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Sometime as I was sitting there I must've fell asleep since Felix was shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to see all the guys standing near the camera.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask them rubbing my eyes.

"We just got a new clue" Woojin tells me making me run over to them.

"What was it?" I ask him.

"You" he said.

"Me?" I ask.

"He said that you will remember quicker than us but only if you want to" Chan says looking at me sadly.

"Why would I not want to?" I ask him.

"We don't know" he mutters.

"Agh this is so confusing" I say as I sit back in my seat.

"Do you maybe know something?" Minho asks me.

"No I have no clue why he would say that I'm a clue, I haven't even been here before" I say nearly in tears. Why the fuck is this happening to us.

"Okay we need to try and find a way out, it's day two and we only have twelve days until we are out of chances" Felix says walking around the room.

I get up and search with him as others follow. No classroom wouldn't have windows so maybe there is windows in here that he might have just boarded over?

I feel the walls to see if it's uneven or if there is holes. As my fingers go along I feel a whole and I put my hand in as I feel something fury. I try to reach it but the whole is to tiny for my hand to fit.

"Guys there is something here" I say as the everyone makes there way over to me.

"What is it?" Jeongin asks me.

"I'm not sure but it's too small for my hand to fit in" I say as I run over to my bad to get a pen.

Hopefully I can dig it out with this. As I put my pen in I feel it hit the thing in the wall. As I nearly get it it falls down the other side of the wall.

"No" I shout as my pen falls with it leaving a clue to be gone and us confused of what it might have been.

"It's alright maybe it was nothing" Jisung says patting my shoulder to reinsure me.

Sadly his pep talk doesn't help much. I go back over to my bag to see if i can find anything sharp. Seriously I don't know what I thought I would find.

"Does anyone have anything sharp?" I ask them as they shake their heads no.

"Actually I think I do" Changbin says as he digs into his bag.

Soon he pulls out a knife making the colour drain from my face.

"Why do you have a knife?" I ask him scared.

"To eat my food obviously" he says as if that is the only thing he could do with it.

"Here" he says handing it to me as I take it carefully not taking my eyes of him or the knife.

I make my way over to the wall as I start to cut the whole deeper.

"Wait I think I found the fury thing" I say as I manage to get my grip on it.

As I pull it out I drop the knife and stare at the familiar thing. The thing in my hands drained every drop of blood in my body down the sink. My heart seems to give up as I slumped on the ground.

"It's my key chain" I say shocked.

"What?" Woojin asks.

"My key chain, I made it in primary school so I know it's mine yet it's still on my bag so how is it over here?" I ask myself as I look back over at the dangling fury cat that hang on the zip of my bag. My eyes wander back to the bloodied one that I hold in my hands.

What the fuck is happening. How did the teacher get my key chain? Why is it covered in blood. Most importantly who's blood is covering it?

The classroom goes deadly quiet as I continue to hold my key chain. My thoughts faulted as I can't think of any reason that it would be here, in blood.

"This joke has gone too far" Hyunjin says snatching the chain out of my hand and throwing it at the door.

"Seul Mi breathe, it's alright" Jeongin says worry filling his eyes.

My eyes blurry and soon I pass out in Jeongin arms.


Waking up I was laying on the ground under some bags for my neck support. My eyes wandered over the sleeping males as I watched their breathing patterns. Some were fast and others were slow.

I quietly stood up scared to disrupt their sleep. I walked over to the door to see if I could try and open it. Though I knew that me trying was useless.i pulled on the door and it bursted open, as a middle age man came running in. He pushed me on the ground and all the air seemed to leave my lungs.

"Hello my favourite student" his grisly voice said, the exact same one that came from the camera.

He was the one holding us in here, but how did he know me?

"Who are you?" I ask him scarred but trying my hardest for him not to know.

"Someone that knows you very well and you know me well, to be honest all of you do" he says laughing as his head slithers up my skirt.

I shut my eyes terrified and when I open I'm laying in Jeongin arms. Everyone asleep and the door shut.

My heart kept pounding though I knew it was just a dream.

Yet why did it feel so real and familiar?

This is too fucking creepy!

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