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"Come over, he said. It'll be fun, he said." Peter grumbles as shoves his mask over his brown curls.

With a minimal struggle, he took out the crazy intern. The intern in question though he was better than the others and shouldn't have to give tours to press, private groups and school. Really, Peter understood, if he felt like he could be better somewhere else he would get mad too.

Peter probably wouldn't stab his higher ups though. And he would get upset that he couldn't do more for people rather then he couldn't show off. Eventually, he heads to the bathroom and the nanoparticles of his suit form back into his watch.

He gives a little smile and runs out of the restroom to a section of the wall. As he walks up, FRIDAY opens the hidden elevator that goes to every floor. It's the only one that does that so that people aren't waiting for ages to get an elevator. Elevator 1 goes from floor 1-8, elevator 2 goes from floor 2-9 and so on.

The private elevator doors open and Peter stumbles into the lab. Every Friday he stays over until Aunt May picks him up after her shift on Sunday. This takes a lot of stress off Mays back through her long 13-hour weekend shifts at the hospital. He and Mr. Stark usually go over suit upgrades, run through his homework for the weekend, and Tinker in the workshop.

He is so late.

Peter probably should have just called Mr. Stark, but Peter was hoping it would be one of those days that he was in The Zone and wouldn't notice him show up late. His hopes were crushed when FRIDAY announced his arrival in the workshop the moment he steps inside.

Tony looks up, blinks and sets down the welder. That's never good.

"So Pe-"

"Mr. Stark sir I am so sorry I promised to walk Ned to Delmars after school so we spent like twenty minutes talking about ChemBenAgain and I missed the bus to take me to the subway but I still got on the same metro I normally do. That was only because I suited up cause a dog fight was happening in the alleyway and I'm so sorry I abused that power to get me there faster. Then a mugging happened and I had to help so I suited up again and missed that bus to the Tower so I waited a half hour for the next one. Then when I got into the Tower I headed towards the employee entrance and security thought that I was a part of the middle schoolers so she brought me to the teacher and it was so embarrassing Mr. Stark. The teacher looked at me and then security and said that I wasn't, and I quote 'one of hers' and the security guard probably got more flustered then I was. Then I went to your private elevator and on the way up I heard screams so I had Friday stop at floor 75 and I suited up in the bathroom and webbed up one floor to an intern who was mad he was stuck on tour duty and started his experiment early with no protection and Mr. Stark you wouldn't believe how many explosions went off. Then I went down again so I could take the elevator back up. I probably could have webbed on up but I would be looking in on every floor and I would have had to knock on the window and it would have been awkward. This is awkward too isn't it because I'm rambling and I'm shutting up now. Quiet Peter from here on out. Yep."

Tony blinks and leans against the table. "Well I actually hear about your day when you ramble rather than 'it was good' so I count rambling as a win in my books. Who is ChemBenAgain?"

"Woah you actually listened to that?" Peter blinks in surprise and awe. "Even May tunes out sometimes. And ChemBenAgain is a YouTube channel that was for cool science experiment but recently it's become more of a conspiracy channel. He recently put up a conspiracy of how Spiderman is actually Shuri because of the vine references."

Mr. Stark huffed out a laugh and turned back to what looked like a robotic cat but waved for Peter to keep going.

"I love YouTube so much, Mr. Stark. I'm not that far off from all gen z kids though." Peter walks over to the couch and set his back-back gently in the corner, sitting next to it. "If I could make a YouTube channel there would be pranks and conspiracies and also all the decathlon stuff we do that you film. I know it's you and not Happy don't deny it. I'd never make a good one though I have no idea how to make my ideas appeal to other people because I like the stuff either mainstream or ridiculous."

"As cheesy as this sounds, " Mr. Stark waves the welder in Peters direction. "don't say anything you do will be bad until you try it. If you try it and it's bad great but it's from you, kid. You could put up footage of me before coffee or us playing mario kart and you'd have millions of followers in an hour."

"The welder is hot don't point it at me. Lab safety. I don't care about the popularity Mr. Stark, and I don't want my channel to get views because of you. I would just want my ideas and videos to be heard. I dunno how though I definitely don't have the focus to do so."

"You should ask Pepper."

"I can't just go up and ask Ms. Potts something!" Peter said waving his hands frantically in front of his face. "I would have to memorize a really good script so I don't mess up. And I can't just say 'yo pep, how do I start a youtube channel?' because she's a goddess and doesn't deserve a mere mortal wasting her time. "

"She is a goddess but you can literally do that and she will drop everything. She likes you too much kid."

"That's even worse! I'm not more important than running a company!"

"She would say differently. Tell you what kid, why do I help you. FRI? Send the whole convo since Peter entered the lab."

"Mr StaRK nO NOt ThE rAmBLInG."

"Shall I sent the security footage as well, boss?"

How Peter Parker Became An Internet SensationWhere stories live. Discover now