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Josh wants George to pay attention to him again.
Josh wants to feel loved by him again.
Josh wants to be loved by him.
Josh wants to love him.
Josh loves him.

Josh taps his finger on his thigh lightly in a repetitive pattern. As soon as the door opens a wave of anxiety crashes over him. It takes him a moment to process things as his brain kicks into auto pilot. "George- I fucking love you!" The words are jumbled slightly from the way he spoke so fast. A look of shock is plastered on George's face before his brain kicks into start again. Moments blurring together all Josh can feel is lips on his. Soft and gentle, George is always so careful with him. Soon Josh is kissing back, hand playing with the shorter's hair. It feels as if he's died and heaven has greeted him with this. But Josh knows the truth. George is heaven. A ringing phone causes them to pull apart, both secretly frustrated with the interruption. As soon as George leaves to find the phone things start to fade to black. He's so happy and relived he doesn't mind, it's probably just too much for him. As his eyes flutter open Josh finds himself in his own bed. Sleepily he looks around. No George in sight, just his phone ringing loudly. It's just his alarm to wake up.

Josh never remembers his dreams.

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