5 | Goodbye

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Jungkook quickly rushed through the door. "Jimin!" The place was quiet. He looked around the kitchen and the living room. Jimin was nowhere in sight.

Jungkook then ran up the stairs and into Jimin and his bedroom. There, he found him. Laying on the bed, underneath the covers, hugging a pillow while crying his eyes out, was Jimin.

He suddenly felt his stomach sink. He felt so bad seeing Jimin like that. "Jimin?" he called softly, taking a seat next to him. He gently rubbed Jimin's side, trying to calm him down.

"What do you want..?" Jimin spoke quietly. Almost too quiet for Jungkook to even hear. But nonetheless, his words were audible and in fact Jungkook did hear him.

"That wasn't me. I didn't send that." "Oh yeah..? Then who was it?" Jungkook sighed. He couldn't say it.

"Was it Tae," Jimin sniffled as he peeked out from under the sheets. Jungkook looked away. He couldn't face Jimin. He slowly nodded, feeling shameful.

Jimin, quietly, began crying more, and even harder this time. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know he was going to do that.. He was being so aggressive, trying to assert his dominance and-"

"and it worked. Clearly it worked. You handed him your phone. Something in you gave in. You let him control you."

Oh how Jungkook hated it when Jimin was right about things like this, for that meant he knew Jungkook way better than Jungkook knew himself.

"I'm sorry." "I get it. You love him. You have ever since the beginning. You never loved me, and I knew it. Yet I stayed. I did this to myself. It's my fault I feel this way right now."

Jungkook's heart was breaking. "That's not true! I did love you!" "That's what you want to believe, Jungkook. If you really think about it, you'll realize you've always loved Taehyung."

"Jimin.. Look, let's just get this over with, I guess.. I love Taehyung. But I also love you. But, I love you in a different way. I love you more like a best friend. And I love Taehyung as a lover."

Jimin nodded, rubbing his eyes. "As you say, so it shall be done. I wish you two the best of luck," Jimin said as he got up, opening up the closet to pack all his stuff.

Jungkook hated this. He loved Jimin, but he loved Taehyung with a burning passion. So, there was only one thing to do, and this was it.

"Jimin-" "If this is what fate wanted, so be it. If it was meant to last, then it would've. But I guess this is the route destined for us. I loved you Jungkook, and I still do. I poured my heart and soul out for you. I just hope you cherished it," Jimin turned, sending a small smile Jungkook's way before continuing to pack his things.

Jungkook couldn't help it. His eyes began to get teary. He messed with his fingers out of nervousness, making sure to not look at Jimin.

"I'll miss you Kookie-yah," Jimin said as he zipped up his suitcase full of clothes. "Do you have any place to go..?" "I'll be with my friend Yoongi, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me staying with him for a while."

Jungkook nodded as he stood up, walking to Jimin. A small smile spread across Jimin's lips before hugging Jungkook tightly. Jungkook quickly hugged Jimin back just as tight, holding him as close as he could.

"Text me when you get to your friends okay? I gotta make sure you get there safe." "Don't worry. I'll make sure to send you a message," Jimin giggled quietly at the fact that Jungkook was still being as caring as ever.

"Should.. Should I walk you out?" "Sure." Jungkook nodded, and took Jimin's suitcase from him, bringing it downstairs.

"So, I guess this is really goodbye?" Jimin nodded in response to Jungkook's words. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too, Jungkook." "Keep in touch with me, please. I want to stay friends. I don't want to be without you."

"Don't worry Jungkook. We'll still be friends. I'll be here for you." Jungkook smiled, tears starting to roll down his cheeks.

"Aish, don't cry. You'll make this harder than it is," Jimin said as he wiped Jungkook's tears. "Sorry." "It's okay, my baby bunny," Jimin smiled, gently kissing Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook gave Jimin one last hug before bidding farewell. As soon as Jungkook closed the door behind Jimin, he broke down into tears. He wasn't ever good at dealing with breakups.

He quickly went upstairs and buried himself in blankets and pillows. There was no way he was going back to Taehyung's house. At least, not today.

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