6 | Poetic

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Jungkook was awaken to a pair of arms wrapping around him. He smiled happily, cuddling into the chest of the person.

"I knew it was just a dream.. I love you Jimin." "It was no dream, princess. It was real." Jungkook knew that deep, husky voice. He knew it all too well.

His eyes shot open, and he quickly pulled away. "Taehyung?!" "Why are you so surprised?" His deep chuckle made something inside Jungkook flutter.

"How'd you.." "Don't forget, I have a key to your house, and you have one to mine." Jungkook felt a bit like an idiot for forgetting that.

"Anyways, what time is it?" "Hm, it's about 8:48pm. You said you were going to go back to my house, and as the day grew darker, I began to worry about you. So, I decided to come check up on you. Oh how precious you looked."

Jungkook strangely loved, yet also hated how Taehyung made him get flustered. It was one of Taehyung's many talents.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need anything at all?" Jungkook slightly shook his head in response. "When was the last time you ate bun?"

Jungkook's cheeks slowly began changing color, turning a soft shade of pink. "Mm.. breakfast. Jimin... he had made me some pancakes."

"You need to eat then, my love. How about you get dressed and I take you out to eat." "Mm-"

Jungkook was hesitant. The thought of going out in public was unpleasant, at the moment. He'd rather stay in the comfort of his bed where he could be alone. Where he could cry without anyone seeing him at any time.

"You don't wanna?" Jungkook also didn't want to disappoint Taehyung with his answer. He'd rather his hyung be happy, and he suffer, because Taehyung's happiness is all that matters to him.

"Yeah, I'll change right now," Jungkook smiled softly at Taehyung, causing the other to smile back in response.

Jungkook got up and walked over to his closet. Looking through his many clothes, he tried to find the right outfit, but couldn't quite figure out what was exactly that.

After what Jungkook thought was way too long, he finally walked back to Taehyung, dressed in his black ripped jeans, black oversized hoodie and black combat boots, along with a pair of gold wire glasses placed atop the bridge of his nose.

"That's a lot of black." "Don't act like you're not used to it." Jungkook rubbed his eyes before shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

Taehyung grinned at the sight of the puffy eyed, sleepy looking baby bunny before him. "You're right. You're always in black. It just seems different today. Anyways," Taehyung stood up, walking to the doorway.

"Shall we get going?" Jungkook nodded, walking out the room. "What do you feel like eating?"

"Sushi please. I've been wanting it for a while." "Sushi it is then."

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