The Hunger

899 24 1

August 17th, 2105

The Master sat behind his elaborate desk as he awaited news from his most prized spy. The call came in, right on time as he knew it would, as it always did. Eagerly he answered, "What news?"

"She's living with the First Family for sure. Apparently the king's brat has bonded with her. There is word that a mating could be on the horizon. Say the word, and she's dead." The Master thought for a moment.

"No, let's see how this plays out. A wounded female is the Achilles heal to a bonded male. We may be able to use this to our advantage. Stay close to the female and keep an eye on her. Let me know everything you find on her that could be of use to me."

"Yes, darling," she said and hung up.


Rhage finished signing all the documents with Saxton and sat back taking a deep breath. "Okay," Saxton said, "as soon as the ink dries it's official. Half of your estate will go to your shellan and the other half to your daughter." Saxton, the trusted attorney of the Brotherhood removed his glasses, having become necessary the last few years, and looked up at Rhage. "Are you sure Mary will be okay with this?" Rhage nodded,

"She wanted it all to go to Rhaylynn. But I can't do that to her. The Scribe Virgin said her life will continue on for as long as she wishes, and I know she says once I die she won't have a reason to continue living, but I," Rhage stopped and swallowed past the lump in his throat. "I want someone to stay after and watch out for Rhay. If she gets mated, has young, I want a piece of me to stay with her."

"Forgive me if I speak out of place," Saxton said and Rhage waved his hand. Saxton had become a friend to those in the Brotherhood and Rhage could never imagine him saying anything that wasn't of value to them. "I believe you should speak to your shellan about your concerns, so she can understand how you feel. And you are missing one crucial fact, in my opinion. While Mary is a part of you, by blood Rhaylynn is more a part of you than anyone. Perhaps, the piece of you that you want to stay with Rhaylynn, resides within Rhaylynn herself." Saxton stood, bowing slightly and said, "I will see that these files are stored in safe keeping, for the time that the tragedy of your death should ever come, although it is my sincerest wishes that that day is a long time from the present." With that he left and Rhage sat silently.

He had never imagined himself pondering what would happen to those after his death. He always imagined he and Mary would go into the Fade together, leaving his wealth to the safe house for females that Mary had worked at for years, helping counsel women that Marissa overlooked who were looking for a safe place to come in cases of abuse or if they had no income. Reaching down, he picked his laptop up out of his bag, and opened it, navigating past the passwords and security features. He logged in, finally, to review the vast wealth before him. Over two billion dollars, and counting, and that didn't count the money he had given to Mary years ago so she could have her own account. He had no real use for it. Typing in some information, numbers, and sending a few electronic approvals, he moved over three quarters of his wealth into an account made in her name. Rhaylynn often vaguely spoke about having no money, having to catch, butcher, and cook her own food, grow vegetables, and store them for the winter. She wouldn't discuss the specifics of her home and the idea that she lived in poverty was weighing more and more on Rhage's mind every day.

While he had lived in comfort for centuries, she was living in metal cages and hovels he knew in his gut where not fit for habitation. Damn Adelynn. Damn her greedy, selfish, immature ass. He knew he shouldn't curse the dead, but he found it hard not to want to beg the Scribe Virgin to bring her back simply so he could kill her all over again. Now, at least, Rhage thought, she could have money to build herself a proper home and furnish it to her liking. Of course, he really hoped after the new year, she would come back to the palace and live here. He loved seeing her when he could, and thankfully, now that it seemed she was no longer isolating herself, he could spend more time with her.

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