Chapter 19

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Ellis's POV

~a week later

I stand in the school grounds and talk with Racquelle.

I've decided not to tell anyone about my plan to steal the Vocaloid Actors' bands. Mainly because no-one will believe me.

I look to the gate and notice Rachel come in with Mia. Mia is staring at me, but Rachel tenses up beside her when she sees me, so Mia turns to her. I smirk, and Mia sees me, causing her to whisper something to Rachel. Whatever she says seems to calm Rachel down, seeing how her shoulders relax.

They walk past me and Mia hissed "You are such a loser, attacking girls like that!" Just like I thought, Mia doesn't know about Vocaloid Actors. She must be talking about the attack on Rachel, three weeks ago.

However, she shouldn't talk to me like that, I get enough grief from my parents. I tap Racquelle on the shoulder and whisper "Meet me outside the Humanities Block at break. I think it's time to teach Mia a lesson."

~at break

I wait outside the Humanities Block with Racquelle waiting for Mia to come out of History.

My eyes fall on the doors and I see all the teachers leaving for the staff room. Well, at least we won't get interrupted. Soon after the teacher disappear, Mia emerges and she drops all the books she's holding when she sees us. I guess her bag is still ripped from when Racquelle wrestled it from her a month ago, after she insulted Racquelle.

She gives Racquelle the dirtiest look I have ever seen.

"Oi, what was that look for?!" Racquelle shouts, enraged by Mia's recklessness. I guess Mia still hasn't gotten over her ripped bag.

"It's time we teach you some manners! No-one tells me what to do and gets away with it," I say with anger. Well, except my parents, but I am not going to tell her that. She abandons her books and starts to run, but she doesn't get far before I grab the back of her jumper. "We can't let you get away," I smirk, before throwing her with relative ease to the floor. It knocks the air out of her, and she closes her eyes tightly as she begins to get her breath back.

I kick her stomach hard, causing her eyes to shoot open and for her to give an involuntary gasp of pain. I go to kick Mia again, but she rolles out of the way towards Racquelle.'This is too easy,' I think, as she kicks the side of her head. Racquelle then grabs her jumper lifting her up to punch her. Her face is screwed up with anger, this is the angriest I have ever seen her.

Mia struggles, trying to escape Racquelle's grip, to no avail. I can see the fear on her face as she watches the process of Racquelle's fist towards her face, closing her eyes as it comes closer. Then . . . Racquelle suddenly stops, she has confusion written all over her face. That's odd, why isn't she punching Mia, her fist is still clenched. I look to Mia, and focus on her fists, laying clenched by her sides.

That red glow around her fists . . . that looks familiar! It is the same glow around Louis's fist, when he was going to shoot magic at me, except his was yellow. Mia's a Vocaloid Actor?! That brown hair . . . it's Meiko's, but longer. I am going to get Rachel for this, lying to me. She must have done something to defend herself. She shakes her fists, allowing  her sleeves to cover them.

I walk towards her, wanting to get her away from Racquelle before she injures her.

"Racquelle! Ellis! Headteacher's office now!" an angry voice rings out. I turn and see Rachel with a teacher. Rachel must have came to look for Mia, it was just unfortunate that a teacher was walking behind her.

Racquelle lets go of Mia and she falls to the ground. I hear a small crack as she hits the floor, sounds like she might have broken a bone. Serves her right, for being a Vocaloid Actor.

"Come on," I murmur to Racquelle. I am in so much trouble, who knows what my parents will do to me. It doesn't matter for Racquelle though, her parents are total pushovers.

I look back to give Mia a scathing look, only to see her supported by Rachel and facing away from me. I growl, those two Vocaloid Actors have caused me more problems than they know. Her sleeves are still covering her fists, she's still hiding her magic. Is it possible that she doesn't know Rachel is a Vocaloid Actor?

Probably not, they are best friends, they will probably tell each other. I look over her arms, she isn't wearing a band. From what I can see, anyway. I will target her last out of the main six, she probably will be the toughest to get the band from. She can put up a fight when she wants to, I remember how much trouble Racquelle had when she tried to take her bag, which was the main reason it ripped.

I also remember when she told on us, a year ago. We made her life a living hell from then, like my parents did when they heard the news. Let me just say, extra chores is a lot more horrible than it sounds.

We enter the Headteacher's office. She looks at us, especially to me. I roll my eyes before crossing my arms.

"We have had you here before, accused of bullying, and you are here again. I can't accept this, I will hear your stories before handing out your punishments."

Before she could say anything however, we could hear sirens getting louder and louder, before suddenly stopping. Oh shit, the ambulance is here, my parents will kill me.

She leaves the room, and I pull out my phone, and walk to the other side of the room, away from Racquelle. I call a couple of mates and tell them the following:

"Hey, I need your help! I need you to locate a dark-blue haired male, with a dark blue scrunchy on his wrist. I need that band. Then after that, follow Mia, she has a red scrunchy on her wrist. I need that as well. Hide them in that small cave by the skate park, you will find two scrunchies already there in a small box. Place the ones you steal in there as well."

I see Racquelle trying to listen in, but with no luck.

"What were you talking about?" she says, her clueless expression giving it away.

"None of your business," I mumble sinking into a chair.

The Headteacher came back in. She had a furious expression on her face.

"I had to clear a crowd around the ambulance called for Mia. Due to your attack, she has broken her ankle. This is unforgivable."

"And what is?" Racquelle replies sarcastically.

"This is serious, due to the seriousness of her injury, I will be giving you both two week suspensions. If this happens again, I will have no choice but to expel you."

Looks like I will have to watch my step around here . . .

~end of flashback


A/N And I have finished the flashback chapters. Expect the conclusion of this event in the next couple of chapters. I will be unable to say when I finish, as I make most of it up as I go along, with rough plans of major plot points.

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