Chapter 22

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I lay on the sofa in the Fanloid Communion Room, reading a book called Spells that can be used by -loid Actors while dwelling on the party last night. Everyone was so overjoyed to get their bands back, it lasted all night. We even invited other Vocaloid Actors. Graham and Gemma came who play Gakupo and Gumi respectively. Some English Vocaloids attended, including Oliver and Cyber Diva though I never caught their real names. Even Racquelle came and apologised to me.

She promised me she would dump Ellis first chance she got, after what he did to us. I accepted her apology, but Rachel wasn't too quick to forget and forgive. From what I heard from Louis, apparently she went to the same Primary School as Racquelle and was constantly bullied by her. I guess it will take some time for her, after years of bullying.

I looked up as I saw sparks forming on two sides of the room. One set was pink, while the other was black. Then two Fanloids appeared who I have never seen before. They both seem to be Fanloids of Miku. One looks almost like Miku except darker, like a shadow version of her, with red eyes. The other is a pink version of Miku, with all sorts of accessories in her hair. She has one red eye and one yellow eye. It's a bit overwhelming.

"Hey, what's your name?" the one in black asks, a warm smile on her face.

"I'm Mia," I answer, "I came back a few months ago." 'And I've already tackled many problems,' I think to myself.

"I'm Zoe, I play Zatsune Miku," she says, holding her hand out, and I shake her hand hesitantly. Those red eyes scare me slightly.

"Hi, I'm Kiara, I play Kagami Kawaiine," the other one says, she is tugging absentmindedly at one of her hair accessories. "I hate these damn things, I wish I could take them off." She was now talking to herself.

"I heard you practically saved the Vocaloid World yesterday," Zoe says. "Miku sent Mind-Messages to all the -loid Actors yesterday, telling us."

"That explains the weird Mind-Message, I received yesterday," I say. "I was so confused why she was addressing me in third person. Anyway, what are your Fanloids' personalities."

"Well, Zatsune is a shadow version of Miku, and considered to be evil," Zoe explains, "but I'm not like that in real-life. I am actually really nice."

"The red eyes are unsettling though," I say, still a bit spooked out.

"Yeah, I get a lot of comments about that at home, as I was born with red eyes," she says. "I'm in the rare percentage of the world that has natural red eyes."

Kiara stepped forward, looking somewhat annoyed. "Kagami is a version of Miku, who is really vain and self-absorbed. You could say 'in love' with herself," she said. "Personally, I like to look nice, but not to this extent. In real life, I have blue eyes, but I am a sucker for coloured contacts, explaining why I got chosen for this role."

I nodded, relieved to learn she wasn't like that in real-life. I've seen girls like that at school, stretching the dress code to the limit. I think they look tacky, preferring to stick to trousers, and letting my shirt become untucked. I can't wait for sixth-form, for freedom of choice. I can't wait to wear comfortable clothes at school.

I am currently wearing a black dress, with a sleeveless red shirt underneath, coupled with a red tie. It is completed with red shoes. It's a shame, Sakine Meiko only has four modules, so I picked the most comfortable. I go back to the book, and a spell name captures my attention.

'Protego: A shield charm, effective against most forms of magic.'

That spell . . . that was the one I used unintentionally against Racquelle. 'Most forms of magic'? Is there more types I don't know about? I flick through the book before letting it fall open at a certain page. The different types of magic were listed:

'-loid Actors' Magic - Can only be used by -loid Actors, though shares many similarities with wizard magic. Most commonly used with just the hands, though can channel magic through a wand if preferred.

Wizard Magic - Can only be performed by a witch or wizard. It can only be passed down through families. Most commonly performed with a wand, but with enough practise it can be performed wandless. -loid Actors and Wizards share many spells.

Magic Creatures:

Fairies - Weak magical powers, uncapable of causing serious harm to humans.

Pixies - Similar to fairies, but usually used to cause mischief.'

This was fascinating. I never knew wizards actually existed, but who am I kidding? I never knew of Vocaloid Actors either, until about three months ago. The existence of fairies and pixies piqued my interest though. I have had many people telling me about seeing fairies fluttering around their garden. Who knows, they could have been telling the truth!

I see yellow and grey sparks forming. I close my eyes to shield them from the bright flashes that came soon after. I open my eyes and see Natalie and Harriet standing in front of me.

"Oh, I see you've met Zoe and Kiara," Natalie says. "Come on Harriet, we need to get to the Utauloid Communion Room."

I frown as I hear her last statement. I thought we were only allowed in our respective Communion Room. Even though, we shouldn't be able to with the shields around the lifts, remembering how I was unable to pass through the Fanloid shield, while I looked like Meiko.

"Hang on, why do you need to be in the Utauloid Communion Room?" I ask, curiosity taking over me.

"We need to film with Teresa, who plays Teto Kasane," Harriet says. I nod my head slightly, thinking of the twin-drilled idol I have yet to meet.

"But how do you get past the shield?" I say, confused. 'I thought the shield was to keep outsiders out?' I think to myself.

"The shields of Communion Rooms can be lowered to let others in whenever necessary, like when we need to film together," Natalie answers. "And we need to film with Teresa."

"Can I come and watch? I haven't met Teresa yet," I ask, mainly towards Natalie.

"Sure,  just don't interfere," she says, smirking at the authority she has over me.

I follow Natalie and Harriet to the lift, effortlessly passing through our shield. Even before Harriet presses the button for the Utauloid Communion Room, I grab the railing, closing my eyes and mouth. I hate these lifts so much.

We rattle up to the Utauloid Communion Room. I look and don't see the shield. Natalie was right. It seems that all the rooms have the same layout, but with personal touches. For example on the far wall, someone has hung a giant Teto poster there.

Natalie grabs my hand and pulls me through the room. As I follow her, I look around at the various figures. There's a lot more figures here than in the Vocaloid or Fanloid Communion Rooms.

I see a black-haired girl, her hair is in bunches. She has a grey shirt with cut-off sleeves, and a blue tie. She has a purple cape and black jeans, held by a blue belt. Next to her, there looks to be a oldish man. I stare at him, noticing how he has a similar hairstyle to my dad. His colour seems to be green, which is my dad's favourite colour. That's odd. He sees me and gives me a weird look. I shake my head and carry on following Natalie.

I come to the set. I sit on the side and watch the performance. Teresa is nowhere in sight. I hear Pink Stick Love and Gigantic OTN, sung respectively by Harriet and Natalie. Childish War then comes on, which they both sing. I see a flash of light and I see Teresa being lowered down from above on wires to make the illusion that she just appeared on set. They then break out into 1, 2 Fanclub. They finish, so I slip away and go home.


A/N Sorry for the abrupt cut-off there, but the chapter was getting long and I couldn't think of how to end it. I have slipped some foreshadowing in here, can you find it?

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