African Golden Butterflies phase.1

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While the Atlas still sailing on the ocean to South Africa as it is now night time, Daniel was walking through the ship deck with his earphones in both his ears listening to music on his MP3 player. Mostly trying to listen to all the songs in an 2006 album from Johnny Cash. Most likely listening to the most famous song, God's Gonna Cut You Down. Out of 90 other songs that is on music player, it is his most favorite song. He then stopped when he noticed Valmet, who is watching the ocean view alone. By the look on her face she seems to be troubled and even a bit in a mixed of sorrow and anger. Daniel thought that he could talk to her but feeling a bit afraid that things will go bad as he thinks it's better to just leave her alone. As Daniel walks off, he felt that he may have an idea of what was up with Valmet but can't tell what. He noticed the look on her face and can read her eye and notice something very similar to Daniel...simular pain that he's being trying to deal with since his past as a marine.

On the next day mourning, Atlas is now threatened by Somalian pirates and Koko's team are already getting to their stations to deal with them.

"Move, move, move!" Koko commanded her team using her radio. "Get to your station! Enemy sighted! Pre pare for com bat immediately! Do you copy?!"

"Yeah, I copy..." Said Lehm on the radio who is moving a crate

"The enemy have eyes on us! Don't let them see us armed until they get close to us so we can wipe them out one by one! There's no way there's only one boat! Tojo what do you see?!"

"I do have eyes on another boat approaching." Tojo replied on the radio. "Three kilo me ters be hind Hostile One. ETA 60 seconds."

Koko then sees a boat with three pirates on board armed with AKs and one of them who is wearing a military beret holding a microphone.

"DAMN PIRATES!" Said Koko and then turns to a pirate boat and yells at them. "YOU MADE THE WORST DECISION OF YOUR MISERABLE LIVES!"

"Stop en gine! We kill if you don't stop engine!" Yelled the somalian pirate with bad english using a microphone.


Koko then calm herself down and turns Valmet in a good mood.

"Good eye on spotting them, Val met."

"Anything for you, Koko." Valmet replied happily as she blushes.

"Guys, I picked up Hostile Two." Said Tojo on comms but then explains what the it is which shocks the team. "It's a chopper!"

Koko and the team were then surprised to know that these Somalian pirates would be equipped with such weaponry like that. Most likely it's the first time they ever face Somalian pirates with aircrafts. Koko then gets news from Jonah on comms.

"Koko, there is a small, fast craft com ing from behind!"

"Roger, Jonah. That's Hostile Three." Said Koko.

"Ugo, port side! Give that boat a taste of our RPG! Jonah, stay hid den until the explosion! The main play ers are Hostiles Two and Three. They will try to board us...but we're not gonna let that happen."

Koko thens sees the chopper flying towards the Atlas and got a good look of what it is and starts to gives orders to her bodyguards.

"Got vi sual on Hostile Two! It's a Denel Avi a tion Oryx! Watch out for its 80mm rock ets! Don't let those bastards fire!"

As the Oryx was flying closer to the bridge, it gets hit by a surprised by Mao as he opens fired on it using a mounted M134 Minigun which was taking a lot of damaged by the 7.62 rounds and had to evade. The pirate leader noticed the chopper was taking fired and was shocked that the cargo ship was even firing at them.

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