Chapter Two

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"I dont want her to come along! She is too young! Much less smart enough!" the Doctor said as he flipped dozens of switches and turned knobs on a large console in the middle of the room. I crossed my arms. "I am perfectly smart enough, I'll tell you that right now, whether you are my dad or not!" I snapped, and the Doctor looked up at me.

"Well, she certainly has your temper." Amy said, and Rory looked at her, then they started talking about something.

"Temper? I don't have a temper, she's nothing like me!" the Doctor said quickly, looking back down.

"Doctor, I don't think you understand. I was born in this ship. I was held by you in this ship thirteen years ago! I was in that cradle over there!" I said, pointing to the wooden cradle that Amy and Rory stood by.

"I don't care. You aren't leaving the Tardis until you're old enough." He said.

"so this is a time-travel device." I smirked.

"Yes. Good inferring, but you will have to do better than that." He said as we flew through space.

"Whatever. I'm perfectly smart enough and strong enough." I muttered.

The Doctor walked towards the doors and opened them, revealing space. "Come here." He said, and I ran over, looking into the skies. "It's amazing..." I said, admiring the mysterious planets that we occasionally passed. "So where are we going, dad?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"Dunno. Wherever the Tardis takes us." He said. I looked back outside, then the Doctor shut the door.

I walked around to where I had been sitting earlier. 

"Wait, so is she our granddaughter?" Rory asked. The Doctor looked at him. "Well... Half granddaughter. She wasn't supposed to happen anyway."

I looked down. "So I was an accident." I said. "Basically, yes." the Doctor said.

I swallowed, then grabbed onto the railing as the tardis lurched to the right, then fell when we landed.

"Stay in here, and do not come out. Do not make a sound." the Doctor said sternly to me. "Okay. You've said that a billion times. Just go." I said.

Amy, the Doctor, and Rory left.  I sat on the floor until I heard robotic chantings of "Save the Daleks!"

I stood up, tempted to go outside. I heard something else, like a little click, and looked behind me. A sonic screwdriver lay where I had just been sitting. It looked exactly like my father's except it had a purple glow when I activated it. I smiled, then heard a sharp banging on the door. I backed up when a robot-thing came in. "There is another time-lord in the tardis." It said. "Well. You must be a dalek." I said.

"We are the daleks! You will go with the Doctor to the Asylum and save us or be exterminated!" It said. I looked at the bronze robot. I knew it wasn't a full robot, that there was something in it.

"I think that I'll go with the Doctor, if that's fine." I said, and the Dalek made sure I walked out of the tardis. I looked around. There were tons of Daleks all around me. "Wear this. It will help you." A dalek said as it strapped something onto my wrist. "Okay..." I said.

They pushed me towards a portal.

"You expect me to jump down there?!" I exclaimed, and they pushed me in. I shot towards earth, and landed in snow.

A minute later, I opened my eyes and sat up. I got to my feet and looked around, then saw four people walking in the distance. I checked my pocket and relaxed when I felt my screwdriver.

I ran towards them, and then they all jumped into a hole in the ground. I dropped to my knees at the edge of the hole and leaned over, peering in. I could hear the Doctor's footsteps and Amy's voice.

I dropped down into the hole and smacked onto the floor. "Ouch." I muttered, my voice echoing along the tunnel. I heard feet turn.

"Who is down there?" I heard a voice call. I got to my feet and ran smack into the Doctor. "Torri! I told you to stay in the tardis!" He said, holding me so I wouldn't fall.

"Well I can't exactly do that when little daleks are threataning to kill me!" I exclaimed, and the Doctor let me go.

"They know you're a time-lord now." he sighed.

"So they'll be after me now too?" I asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Rory said.

I looked back at the doctor. "Lets split up and get a move on, then." I said. "Amy and Rory go together, and I'll go with the Doctor." I said as I walked around him.

"I'd prefer not to go with-" I cut off Amy's protest. "Get a move on down that tunnel!"

Amy and Rory ran down the tunnel, looking around. The Doctor followed me.

"And what exactly made you think that you could lead this?" he asked. "You don't even have a-"

I held up my screwdriver, and he sighed, face-palming.

"I'm not leading, I was directing, but I will lead if you don't. " I said.

He grumbled and walked with me through the darkness.

I stepped into light. There were daleks all around us.

The Doctor looked around.

I pulled out my screwdriver and waved it close to the daleks.

 "They're asleep unless we touch them, or are too loud." I said quietly, turning back to my father. He looked at me.

"Yes... unless we activate them..."

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