The Bubbler

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"Seriously, dude?", asked Nino as he gently blew some bubbles into the air in front of him. "Has your dad always been a downer? Doesn't he remember what it's like to wanna party?" Adrien sighed. "No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then, too." Today was his fifteenth birthday, and already it wasn't off to a good start when his father had denied him a birthday party.

Adrien honestly hadn't known what he was expecting. His father was a secretive and distant man, even towards his own son. Sure, he had always been that way, but those traits seemed to have amplified after his wife's disappearance months prior. Adrien's knew he would probably get a "no", but he had still hoped. He shrugged it off, trying hard not to let the disappointment get to him. "At least I tried."

"Its your b-day, dude!", Nino said, throwing a arm around his shoulder. "Insist! Leave it to me! I'm gonna have a chat with your pops!" Adrien hung his head. "Don't waste your time. He won't change his mind." Besides, such interference would probably only fan the flames. So far, all his hopes for his birthday were falling right in front him. He felt a gloom overtake him.

Suddenly, that same gloom was instantly lifted when he heard a voice as sweet as sugar, with a tone that was almost musical, from right next to him. "Adrien!" He spun around at once to see Marinette approaching him from up the sidewalk. She was waving at him, making his heart skip a beat before thumping twice as fast. Under her arm, she held a long, thin package wrapped in periwinkle paper and tied with a pink ribbon.

"Marinette! H-Hi!", he said, nervously waving back. Nino smirked seeing the smile reappear on his buddy's face at the sight of his crush. "Whassup, dudette?" "Hi, Nino.", she said before turning her attention back to the blonde. "Happy birthday, Adrien!" His breath caught in his throat. "You-You remembered?" "Of course, silly.", she giggled in that way that gave his tummy butterflies. "What are friends for?"

She held the box out to him. "I made you this. I hope you like it!" Adrien gaped at the box in disbelief. She had made him a birthday present? He looked at Nino, who was wiggling his eyebrows. The capped boy nudged his best friend, and the model sprung back to life, taking the box from Marinette. Keeping a nervous grin on his face, he gently tore away the paper, untied the ribbon, and opened the box.

Sitting inside, perfectly folded, was a beautiful handmade scarf, the same color as Marinette's lovely bluebell eyes. Taking it out, he found the material soft to the touch, almost like cashmere. Adrien smiled at her dreamily. "Thanks...this is great." Marinette smiled as she reached for the scarf. "Here, let me help you put it on."

Adrien forgot how to breathe as she took the scarf and moved towards to him. She was so close to him, he could feel her breath on his skin as she slung the garment over his shoulders and tied it in a loose knot at his throat. "There.", she said, taking a step back with her hands on her hips as she gave him a good look over. "It looks good on you."

Adrien internally swooned as a goofy grin appeared on his face. "You're beautiful." He reacted to his own words immediately. "I mean—its beautiful! The scarf is! Not that you're not! I mean...I'm really scarfing this thing down." Nino facepalmed at his friend's horrible pun. Marinette blinked twice, confused. "Okay...I'll see you in class."

Adrien watched her leave, waving absentmindedly. He took the material of the scarf and inhaled, elated to find that it held a bit her scent, her scent of lilac perfume and freshly-baked butter croissants. To think that she made this present, with her own two hands, made his heart sing. Now he had a little thing of hers, to keep with him always.

Despite a rocky start, this birthday was actually turning out to be the best one yet. Not even Nino getting akumatized later on in the day could spoil it.
Adrien smiled as he looked at his surroundings. Everyone was dancing and laughing and having a good time in the courtyard of his father's manor. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying Nino's akumatization into the Bubbler, but he couldn't help it. Because of it, he was finally getting the birthday party he had so hoped for. The only thing that would have made it perfect is if Marinette were here.

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