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"Agent Smith, its too dangerous!  We must evacuate!" "You are suggesting we run, Officer Jones? After it devoured my family, my friends, even my beloved dog, Sniffles? Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it! I'm going to face it! Then I'll—Waaaah!" "CUT!"

Nino stopped recording while Ivan took off his monster mask, unveiling his apologetic face. "Sorry, Mylene." Nino groaned in frustration. "Mylene, that's the tenth take we've done today, and we're only on the first scene!" "Fourteenth, actually.", said Alix, holding up the clapperboard, showing the actual number of takes that had been done. "But who's counting?" Alix, apparently.

Adrien smiled softly as Juleka touched up his makeup. He was playing the male lead in the student film that the class was putting together for the Mayor's film festival. Mylene was starring opposite to him, and Ivan was portraying the titular movie monster, Horrificator. Alya had written the script, Nino was directing, Marinette was the producer, and everyone else was the stage crew. It would be a lot smoother if Mylene did not cower at the sight of Ivan in his monster mask every time.

Mylene shrunk behind the teacher's desk, ashamed and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, everyone. I'll do better on the next take, I promise." Nino shook his head. "That's what you said, like, thirteen takes ago! Mylene, you're playing a hero for the special forces! You can't be scared of the monster!" "I know.", said Mylene. "But that...that monster mask he's wearing is so realistic and scary!" Her boyfriend smiled. "Its just big ol' me, Mylene! Nothing to be scared of!"

"If you ask me, he doesn't even need a mask!"  Chloe and Sabrina's haughty laughter rang out around the room, earning scowls from their classmates.  Those two weren't lifting a finger to help with production, unless making unnecessary criticisms and snide remarks about everything was considered helping.  And in the eyes of their peers, it wasn't.

Mylene sighed as she took deep breaths. "Okay, okay...I just need to sing my happy song, it always makes me feel better." Folding her hands together and closing her eyes, she started walking backwards as she sang softly and sweetly under her breath. "Smelly wolf, smelly wolf, stinky breath and slimy..." Suddenly, on her journey backwards, she gently bumped into Adrien, and the shock, however small, was enough to send her screaming.

"And the Oscar for most pathetic scaredy-cat, afraid of its own shadow goes to...Mylene!"  Chloe's cruel chortle made Mylene shrink in shame.  Adrien patted her back comfortably and shot his childhood friend a dirty look.  "Chloe!  Seriously?"  Even worse, she showed no remorse for her hurtful words, shrugging them off with a "Yeah, so what?"

Unable to take anyone more humiliation at Chole's hand, Mylene ran out sobbing.  Adrien deflated as he watched Ivan run after his girlfriend.  Another day at school, another victim of Chloe's, making his question his friendship with the fellow blonde.
"Epic, Chloe! Just epic!", Nino shouted, frustrated and out of sorts. "What are we supposed to do without our lead actress?!" "Oh, who needs her anyway?", the blond snob scoffed. "She was totally lame!" Ivan appeared in the doorway, the gentle giant wearing a scathing look that was rarely seen on his face. "You're lame! Mylene is crying her eyes out in the bathroom, thanks to you!" "Me?! Lame?!"

The seeds for a fight had been planted, and they were starting to sprout. But, like the leader and peacemaker she was born to be, Marinette stepped in at just the right moment to put out the growing flames before they broke out into a wildfire. "Hey! Hey, everyone! Chill out!" She spoke softly to Ivan. "You're right, Chloe is lame. But fighting isn't gonna bring Mylene back."

She spoke to the rest of the class. "I'm the producer,", she declared. "And I'm gonna do everything in my power to finish filming tonight." "The deadline for the Parisian Student Short Film Festival is tomorrow evening,", Max reminded her. "Precisely twenty-six hours, fifteen minutes, and thirteen-fourteen seconds from now."

Miraculous: How It Could Have Happened-Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now