Chapter 6

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Oli's POV

It's Monday now and I have a plan. Josh thinks he can reject me and then I'll move on like nothing happened. Hah, no chance. He said I had to try harder to impress him, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Starting of with waiting at his locker before school, ready to put on my sweet voice and pretend like I'm not trying to get with him again.

"Hey Josh, you're looking good today." I said in my sickly sweet voice when he finally arrived at his locker. He glanced at me before rolling his eyes. "Don't be like that princess, I'm just trying to be nice."

"Get in my pants again, more like." He mumbled, scratching around in his locker for whatever he was trying to find.

"Well I was thinking of walking you to class first but whatever works for you I guess." I smirked. Good job Sykes, you couldn't even keep up the good boy act for 2 fucking minutes, you just had to start flirting with him again.

"Oli, please, can't we just forget what happened at that party happened." He sighed dramatically.

"Babyyy, I can't just forget someone as good as you." I wined, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He sighed again before closing up his locker and beginning to walk to his next class. I quickly responded, turning on my heels and pacing up to him so we were now walking side by side. I grabbed his hand as gently as I could before interlocking our fingers together. He looked at me instantly, breathing sharply when he realised it was me holding his hand.

"What? I said I would walk you to class didn't I?"


It was after school now and I was waiting by the gates for Josh to come past. A group of hot girls had decided to make a circle around me but I wasn't focused on them. Whilst they tried to get my attention, I was looking for someone else. When I finally spotted the boy with brown floppy hair and blue eyes, I politely excused myself from the group of desperate girls around me and ran straight up to Josh.

"Hey so I was thinking we could watch a film at mine tonight?" I said, putting my arm around his shoulders like we were best friends or something.

"Can't. I have to study." He deadpanned trying to slip out from under my arm. I only gripped onto his shoulder tighter.

"Well you can study at my house after we watch the film. Come on princess, it'll be fun, I won't try anything." I Smiled sweetly. I swear to god if I don't get laid by the end of the week, I was going to murder someone. I didn't know if i could stick to my promise of not trying anything tonight with Josh though.

"Fine. If you try anything though, I'm leaving."


Josh's POV:

We were half way through watching the lion king, so far we had watched 2 full films and Oli haven't tried anything more than wrapping his arms around my shoulders. As if on cue, Oli began to kiss my cheek softly, moving down my face until he was kissing along my jawline and neck.

I didn't push his away, as much as I hate to admit it I liked the feeling of his lips on my skin. He slipped his fingers under the bottom of my shirt as he bang to suck hard on my neck. I softly pushed his hand away from my shirt, turning my head around to redirect his lips onto my own, away from my neck.

The last thing I wanted was a load of dark hickeys on my neck, Matt would defiantly know I wasn't keeping my promise then.

We continued to kiss for awhile, the film long forgotten as my lips moved against his, his lips moved quickly against my own in short deep kisses. I felt Oli bite down on my bottom lip, causing me to moan slightly, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced together as we fought for dominance. He won, of course.

He started push me down against the sofa, climbing on top of me so he could straddle my hips. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer so that we was right up against me. Against my horny teenage instincts, i suddenly realised where this was going and decided to stop it going any further.

"Oli I think we need to stop." I panted, breaking the kiss and pushing his chest away from me gently. He sat up on top of my chest, looking down at me with his brown eyes filled with lust.

"Shush baby, it's okay we don't need to go any further than this." He cooed before lying back down on me, reconnecting our lips again. The rest of the film played in the background as our tongues played together again. I guess I could live with things being like this, even if me and Oli would never be anything more.


This is really shitty, sorry. I'm having serious writing block but I didn't want to keep you all waiting so I decided to post this chapter anyways. Next one will be better, I promise.

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