2~School Morning

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(A/N: This is not a Fresh X Reader. ALSO HOLY CRAP WHEN I TYPED 'Deccy', it autocorrected to 'Sexy'- AHEM, and also, pretend that Fresh was too confused to use his lingo. I'm just lazy-)

Your POV
RING!!! Ugh.. I slam my hand on my alarm clock, and turn it off. What day is today? Oh, right. Wednesday. I lay there for a while and almost doze off again, when I remembered; Today the monsters kids are coming!! I quickly jump out of bed, and grasp the desk for support. What if they're weird? What if they hurt me? What if- "HURRY UP, Y/n!" No time to think, Y/n! Think later! I throw on my outfit, casual jeans with my favorite black sweater with the words (favorite saying).

In the car, I think. And think. And think. We make it to school quicker than usual, at least, to me. As I walk in, I see a very colourful blob near by. Before I get a good look at the blob, the crowd swims away, pulling me with it. I go to my locker, and realize something. Mackenzie just switched schools! So the locker next to mines will be taken by a new student. Which means-

"Uh, sorry, but, excuse me?" I whip my head around, and then I go blind. By that, I mean, he's very colorful. It must be the blob I saw earlier. Right there, is a very bright skeleton, with a red and yellow cap with shades that say YOLO. "Oh! Uh, sorry!" I move out of the way to let him get to the locker. So, this is one of the new students.. huh. I don't remember this character in the game. I'll ask Amy about it later.. I watch him, as he opens his locker easily. How did he do that? I always fumble with my locker. Speaking of which, that's exactly what I'm doing right now. Why isn't it opening?

The skeleton dude next to me eyes my locker, then say, "Bro, I think you press that as well.." I click the little green button on the bottom of the lock, and it opens. I mentally face-palm, then reply, "Uh, thanks." His glasses turn from YOLO to NP, and then he walks into the office. Huh. Why is he going in the office? And also, wow, magic is weird, I think to myself as I walk into homeroom. I put my stuff down, and take out my phone with a (F/C) case. I go to (favourite chatting app) and text Amy.

Error's POV
Too much people.. too much people!! I anxiously glance at Geno, who also looks nervous. Fresh seems normal. "Welp, see ya l8er, brospehs!" He walks upstairs, into the 9th grade corridor. As he disappears from view, I can't help but worry about him. As social as Fresh is, he isn't much of a people-person. He prefers staying in his room, reading, and getting out occasionally for quiet, long, walks. Geno looks at me. "Error? Are you okay?" I squeeze my eyes, and stop worrying about Fresh. He'll be fine. He's always okay.

"Yeah, I'm just.. really.. nervous.." Geno smiles at me. "It's okay, Error. We can do this. Now, where are we supposed to go? Oh yeah, the 10th grade office.. where is it?" As Geno walks around, I follow him like a mindless zombie. I'm not thinking about class, I'm just.. thinking about everything else. Like, the other students. I'm just glad that Pepper wasn't sent here. Pepper.. I remember that day, when she first began bullying me.

I saw Fresh behind the tree. I was so happy, I thought he was going to help me, but then.. he jus-just.. he just turned away. I remember the exact feeling in my soul. It was like, the day Geno got sick, except even worse. He turned away, and ran off. I felt so heart broken. Didn't he care? At all? I mean, I'm his brother!!  Then, I remembered. No, he didn't care. I remember eavesdropping on a conversation.

Fresh: Honestly? This thing is just.. frustrating.
I gasped silently, from my hiding spot.
Geno: Fresh.. you don't care.
Fresh cut in harshly, his tone cold and bitter.
Fresh: No, I don't care. I can't!
I thought about that for a long time.

I really shouldn't hate him. I mean, I don't hate him, I just hate that he can't feel. But.. that didn't stop me from punching him down the stairs.. did it? By the time the thought train had left, we had arrived at the office, where Sugar and Ink excitingly greets us. Sugar immediately starts talking to Geno. Ink tries to talk to me, but I'm too focused my my brother. I look at Geno, and smirk. Ship.

Fresh's POV
I walk into the office, with a weird.. feeling? Wait, was that another emotion? I am so  going to tell Geno about that sensation. That wasn't the first encounter I've had with emotions. When I woke up at the hospital, I felt something. It made me widen my eyes, and I was barely able to think straight. It was called.. shock? Yeah, I was shocked. Then the feeling when I saw my glasses. It was called sadness. It felt like I had been stabbed, but in the inside. I didn't like it. It didn't last, fortunately.

There was the moment Error hugged me. It was.. shock and..? Shock and something else. Deccy caused feelings too. Like, sadness, and.. happiness? So, yeah, I've been experiencing a lot of 'emotions' these few days. Deccy was scared that I would 'snap', but I didn't get what he meant. The emotions were just really small ones. The glasses, however, made me almost express it, but uncle Asy snapped me out of it.

Suddenly, the door timidly squeaks open, and Deccy walks into the office, looking really nervous. My smile widens, and I jumped up from the chair. "DeccyDec! Bro, I've been waitin' all mornin' for ya!" He grins sheepishly. "S-sorry.." "No need to apologize, broski! C'mon, let's get to our classes now!" I walk out of the office, following the secretary. Dec follows. Before we walk into our classroom, I whisper to Deccy, "We can do dis, c'mon, brospeh!" Then we walk into the classroom, nervously.

1025 words, not counting this.

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