6~ If You Say So...

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//I know, I know.. I've got no excuse for my absence.. well, I do. But it's not a good excuse. I'm so, so, terribly sorry to those of you who were waiting, really. I'm very, very, sorry... I promise I will explain what happened. I promise.

Decans' POV
Although I'm scanning the summary of the book, my mind is distracted. I'm not even focusing on the book. I'm still in shock that Fresh went through all that trouble to get me this book... it's a limited edition, and I didn't even tell him I wanted it!! Strange... I open up to page one, and begin reading.

As I read, I suddenly hear laughter. I turn around, and see a group of kids teasing Fresh. Crap.. what do I do? Double crap.. I can't help him, because I might get really hurt, but if I don't, then.. I turn around and look at the teacher. Triple crap!! How in the world is he still asleep? I turn back to Fresh. He's reading a book, not bothered.

After a while of reading, the teacher wakes up, and finally begins the lesson. Fresh helps me with some questions, and nobody calls him out for it, thankfully. He and I decided to take notes for the next lesson, as everyone else struggles with the homework.

•~•Time Skip•~•

"Fresh, Decans!! Where are you guys?!!", I hear the familiar voice of Ink screeching. I gasp, and turned to Fresh. "Uh, Ink is looking for us." Fresh nodded. "I think I see him over there..." He pointed towards a table near the wall, and I look over. Sure enough, I see people I recognize.

Geno, Ink, Error, and Sugar. I grab Fresh's hand, and tug him towards the table, avoiding people. "Come on, let's go!" His glasses read LOL K, and he lets me drag him.

Fresh's POV
As I'm being dragged by Deccy, I look around at the other people, watching carefully so that Decans doesn't get hurt. At the moment, we are 3 tables away from the others, and there are many people in between.

People rush back and forth, bumping into others. A few run right into me, look at me with a weird look, then continue to go wherever they were going.

Finally, after almost 6 people crashing into Deccy, we get to the table. It reads, TABLE SIX.
"You guys took sooo long!! This place is sooo packed!! The lunch looks soooo weird!! I met soooo many new people!! I got in trouble for drawing in class, but soooo many people complimented me!!"

Ink rambles off, and I chuckle. Dec giggles softly next to me, and so does Geno an' Error. Ink immediately stops, face flushing slightly. "O-oh!! Was I rambling? Sorry!!" He laughs too, and looks at his lunch. "What did you guys bring?"

"Me, Error, and Fresh all have the same. A salami sandwich with Ritz crackers, but we each have a different drink." I nod, and Error does too. "Caprisun's da BOMB, yo!!" I happily take out my juice pouch, handing the second one to Deccy.

Decans's POV
I'm too interested in the book, and I don't see Fresh waving a Caprisun in front of me. I look up after seeing a colorful hand fly across my field of vision. I giggle, taking the drink.

Fresh readjusts his cap, and only then do I notice a bright purple bruise on his skull. "Huh..? Hey.. Fresh?" He grins, and turns his face to face me, which was what I expected.

"Yeah Dec-Bro?" I reach up to move his cap a bit, so I could see the bruise clearly. I cringe at the sight, and Fresh quickly pulls his cap back to cover it up. "Brah- ya can't just- do dat, yo!!"

"Sorry, Fresh... what happened?" He shrugs. "I ran into da door." Normally, I would have said some sort of joke, and he would have also said a joke at first. But Fresh didn't, and there was.. something off about his voice. Apparently, his brothers also heard the difference.

Fresh changes the subject, and I play along for now. I'll have to ask him about what really happened later...

Geno's POV
I'm talking with Sugar, Error, and Ink, as Fresh's and Decans talk. After a while, we quiet down, just eating, listening to Decans and Fresh. "Oh, right!! Have you guys seen the new-?"

I'm cut off from Fresh's voice. It sounds.. not the same. It's strange. He sounds, almost.. upset? Like he's angry. Like he wants revenge. I sounds like hate... But we all know it's not true. We can still tell there's a small part that's fake if you listen closely.

Even so, me and Error still glance at each other in unison, then we look at Fresh and Decans. They're talking regularly again. I look back at Error. He's scoffing, and lets out a 'Tch." I sigh, and we continue to talk.

Although Ink and Error are chatting away, I can't seem to concentrate on the conversation. It feels... strange. It's as if something is  wrong. I can feel it. Something is going to happen, and it's not going to be good. But... I can't tell what it is. 

I glance at Ink, Error, and Sugar, then glance over at Sour, who was eating with his friends a few tables away, then look over at Fresh and Decans warily. A heavy feeling clings to my soul, and I can't help but wonder about it. Something is terribly wrong...

What's going to happen?

Error's POV                                                                                                                                                                            Geno keeps on looking around, his eyelight shrinking. It's... unnerving. "Hey.. Geno? What's wrong? Why is your expression like that?" He jolts slightly, then turns to look at me. "Oh..' He opens his mouth, then closes it, shaking his head. "It's... nothing. Don't worry about it."

I'm not convinced, and I let Geno know. "Are you sure? I don't think that it's 'nothing', Geno... you keep looking around at everyone, with this weird-scared-shocked-worried expression on your face." I fumble with my words, trying to define his facial expressions.

He laughs. "Weird-scared-shocked-worried expression? That sounds like something out of a story!!" I smile a bit. "Yeah, I guess so, but...-" He cuts me off. "Error.. seriously. It's fine. Don't worry." I know that look on his face, and I know that I'm not going to be getting anywhere.

"If you say so..."

1057 words, not counting this.

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