4~ How It All Began

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Amy's POV
Ugh. I can't BELIEVE this. What on earth is going on? He's not supposed to be here! It was supposed to be the original.. Ugh, that freak. Wait a second.. Nobody else knows him, right? Am I the only one that knows who he is? Yep, I'm the only person that knows him. I know all of his secrets. I know everything about him. I can make his life a total disaster. That what he gets, for being here. The thought makes me scowl again. He's not supposed to be here. How dare he try to replace the original? I need to get revenge.. but I can't do it alone.

I tap on Y/n's shoulder. Surely she would understand! I mean, she's my best friend! And she wouldn't dare disobey me, everyone knows to not cross me the wrong way. Y/n swivels around in her chair, her (short/long/medium) (hair color) hair hitting me in the face. She gasps. "Oh! Sorry!!" I roll my eyes. "Yeah, whatever." She looks at me, with a perplexed expression on her face. I just keep on staring at her. "Why are you staring at me?" I roll my eyes again, and say, "Actually, you were staring at me too."

Her face turns serious. "Amy, are you okay? You've been acting.. off." I sigh. Y/n has always been good at reading emotions. Nobody can get past her. Except.. I grit my teeth. Would she agree to help me? Sure, she's not a teachers pet, but she doesn't like this kind of stuff either.. Ah, whatever. I'll just make it blunt. "Y/n, don't talk to Fresh." She blinks. "Who's.. oh, you mean the Yolo guy?" I laugh, just a titter at first. "Yeah, whatever you call him. Yolo guy, sure." She nods. "Alright, Yolo guy it is. Anyways, what do you mean, I shouldn't talk to him?" Here goes nothing.

"Y/n, please, don't talk to him! He's a soulless monster, and he has no emotions!" She looks at me. "Huh? Well, I'll be the judge of that.", she says, as if she doesn't take me seriously. How dare she? I put on my most innocent look, and whimper, "Please! You're my best friend, and I don't want you to get hurt by a skeleton!" She sighs.

Your POV
I read her face. Huh. She's lying. That has to be a lie. But I know better than to argue with Amy. It wouldn't be me against her. It would be me against the whole school. Anyways, I sigh, and fix the mess we made. "Okay, look. At lunch, I'll try to talk to him, and I'll get his personality down. Then, I'll be the judge, like what I just said." She pouts. "Ugh. Fiiiine. Don't say I didn't warn you!" I nod.

The bell rings, and Ms Vicki pulls me aside. I'm nervous. "D.. did I do something?" She smiles warmly. "Of course not, sweetie. I just wanted to ask if Fresh and Decans were in any of your classes, may you introduce them?" I exhale. "O-oh! Um.. sure!!" She smiles again. "Thank you, dear. Now run along, don't you have somewhere to be now?" I awkwardly giggle, and we part.

Fresh's POV
Deccy is freaking out. I'll explain. We just checked our schedules, and it turns out we don't have our next class together. I mean, I don't mind, but Dec? He minds. A lot. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. He's talking really fast, which is unusual of him. "Oh my gosh, Fresh, what am I supposed to do? I can't do this! There's too much people, and I don't- I can't handle-"

I cut him off. "Dec, calm down, bro. You'll be fine, k? The class we have after this has both of us. Ya can do it, c'mon." He sighs, shakily. "S-sorry, I'm just really.. nervous." Nervous. "Huh. Is dat the feeling I got dis mornin'?" He eye widen with delighted surprise. "Fresh! You felt something again? That's awesome! Yeah, you feel nervous if you're about to do something major."

"Thanks brah, but I kinda already know dat?" He blushes. "O-OH!! Uhm, sorry.." I grin. "No need ta be sorry, yo." He smiles back "Thanks.." I nod in reply. We walk in silence for a while, until we come across Dec's next class. I notice he's shaking. "Brah, it's okay, dude. Just get in there, say your name and a fact, and try to stay quiet." He smiles. "Thanks, Fresh. I'll do just that. Well.. uh, look at your watch." I look at my watch. "Oh crud! Sorry Dec, gotta go! See ya l8er!" I rush down the hall, and wave. He waves back.

I run to my next classroom, making sure not to bump- no, slam into anyone. I dodge all obstacles, and skid across the floor, and I end up slamming into the door. Ouch... My skull! That hurt. I rub my skull, and check it in the reflection of the glass. Good, no bruise. Suddenly, the door opens, and a man walks out. "Oh, it was you that banged on the door, right? You must be the new student."

I mentally slap myself again. Great first impression, slamming your head on the door. I grin and reply, "Sorry bout dat, bro! Yeah, I'm the new student." He just shakes his head. "Try to be quieter next time." I nod, and follows him in. Everyone looks at me, and I do the same, boldly. I recognize only one person; a girl in my home room that has long wavy hair, that fades into dirty bond at the edge. She also has a flower in it.

Time Skip~

Man.. this class is too easy. I already know all this stuff. But right now, I'm in another 'mood'. An' I'm pretty sure is not a good mood. I'll explain it. I had walked in, and the class started snickering. Suddenly, the girl I recognized, yells, "Hey, it's the bozo who rammed his head on the door like a idiot!" The class laughed.

I couldn't believe it. That was not cool. I ignored it, and introduced myself. "Uh.. yo. I'm Fresh, and uh.." I wasn't thinking clearly. My skull was still spinning. "Uh.. and.. mah skull probably has a big ol' bruise on it." The class laughed again.

Suddenly, the girl had raised her hand. She said in a sweet voice, "Mr Lemon? May Fresh sit next to me?" The teacher, Mr Lemon, nods. "Go ahead. Fresh, and make sure, don't knock over any desks." The class laughs again, and I notice Mr Lemon hid a chuckle.

I nod in return, and walk towards the girls desk, with my head down. I see that a foot is stuck out, right in front of me. I step over it easily, and maneuver my way to the desk in front of the girl. She smiles at me, and says, "Hi Fresh! I'm Amy! Welcome to our school, I hope you feel welcomed!" I force a stiff smile. "Yeah. Thanks."

Feel welcomed? How am I suppose to feel welcomed when people are tryin' ta kill me? Laughin' at me, and trying to trip me. Now you're trying to act all sweet n' shiz? Not happening, brah. Not happening. I sit down in front of her, and things go smoothly for a while. That is, until I felt something hit the back of my skull.

I reach back, and feel something. A crumpled piece of paper. I uncrumple it, and it says, "Get outta out school, monster!" What the- what's wrong with these people? Then I realized that there were gonna be more papers. I hear paper being crumpled silently, then complete silence, except for Mr Lemon's monotone and salty voice.

I count in my head. The paper should hit my skull in.. right now. My hand shoots backwards, blocking my head. I catch it. I hear gasps and other noises behind my head. I crunch and crumpled the paper again, and aim for the trash can. Slam dunk. But I'm done. I'm about to continue my notes, when I heard the girl's voice. Except this time, it was whiny and full of complaints.

"Mr Lemon!! Fresh threw away my stuff!! And he completely ruined it!" Huh? What?!

1397 words, not including this.

Please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes! Thank you.

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