What's Up Danger?

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One collider. Two particles. In three minutes I was going to see what is beyond creation. Have you seen the beginning? It wasn't so fabulous.


Two weeks earlier!

- You are late! - said, my assistant, Elza - This could be the only time you have the opportunity to speak in front of a crowd about this and you are late? Oh, how predictable from you, Adam!

Me predictable? I did not even know that the DLC of Spider-man would come this early in the month. I have been up all night trying this new gear which makes him Venom. With the super cool web shooter, but I can't just say this to her...

- I had an important appointment...

- You did not have anything more important than this, Adam - strong words come from Elza - you either were eating pizza all night and drinking beer or you have been playing a video game. Oh, if I think about it... it is maybe both, isn't it?

- Am I this predictable? - said I with a confused voice and manner

- Yes, you are... now go and talk you nerd!

- Said the biggest of them all - I said with a provocative smile

I have always hated crowds. In my wildest dreams - I would rather be in a locked room away from humanity and never talk to anybody... eeh maybe just myself. This one was different - I gathered all of the important businessmen here in this lab to try and convince them to support the collider we almost started. Who is going to believe me that the electricity bill for the collider exceeded 1 million dollars - I did not even believe it myself. Now the government-funded project is no longer funded because we can't just continue this maniac money eating machine...but if I convince the rich people - we could have a chance of seeing this baby running. Now... into the backstage, my hands were shaking I was nervous, but I had to do this or I would not see how it all started.

Two steps away from entering the danger zone..huh...oh no I am nervous.

- What are you waiting for... go - said Elza from the back of my shoulder

- Okay, okay...Jesus

One, two... take a deep breath...

- Good evening ladies and gentlemen (was it evening oh shit what time is it?) - the following words made the crowd a little bit confused - we are gathered all here because we want to know how the universe started - I need to continue and not focus on my nervousness - We all have speculated about the birth of a star or a whole galaxy... maybe even the birth of time and matter, but what if we can see a totally real recreation of it? What if you can see it with your own eyes...to even take a photo, even tho I would not allow it to be out in the public. (was that a joke Adam? ) The Collider is 27 kilometres long and circles around the whole city of "New Dot". Understanding the whole structure and how it works will make our talk hours and hours long. The basics are plain simple: two atoms will be launched from the starting point of the collider. They begin accelerating to the point near the speed of light. Making a full circle and finally... if we have enough energy and sustainability...and money for electricity, we would see the start of matter - a moment of silence for dramatic effect - making the first ever discovery of matter. Do you have any questions? - one of the guys was looking into his notepad and raised his hand - yes you?

- Are you looking for anything specific in the chaos of the collision?

- Brilliant question! The main event is us discovering how it all formed shape, but into the act of formation, we would be looking for some clues which can lead to a scientific breakthrough. An example would include: Black matter, black energy and the God particle. We would gladly want to have a deeper understanding of how the blackness around us was formed or what caused it. If we can, we would like to get a piece of the puzzle with us. Even the slightest matter or particle may lead to revolutionary documentations and advancements. Imprisoning a particle or a piece of the puzzle would create a brighter view upon how our reality functions - I feel more confident now, even tho I still might look like a total tree while talking - Does anybody else has any questions?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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