Part 3: Just having a little fun (+18)

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Warning this part of the Sonchip story is +18, if your not a fan of NSFW sorry (not) anyways enjoy

No one's P.O.V: Sonic and Chip where at the house, playing Uno (sorry XD I had to) to see who gets to choose where there gonna make out at, so they started there game, after sonic mixed up all the Uno cards, then he gave seven cards to Chip and himself, so there game begin

Sonic: I'm so gonna win *placed his card down on the other blue card, then looks at Chip*

Chip: sure you are *he puts a wild card and says green*

Sonic: let's talk about where we want to do start *puts a green card (you get the idea)

Chip: get two card love

Sonic: no, you get four cards

Chip: hmph *gets four cards*

Sonic: I want to go to my room and start our...'fun'

Chip: I vote in the living room

Sonic: deal

After the game

No one's P.O.V: after Chip won the game, they both walked to the living room and sat next to each other and waited for one of them to start the make out session to start

Chip: so who-

Before Chip could say anything Sonic was the one to start the session

(Oh boi) here's lemon

No one's P.O.V: sonic begin to French kiss Chip, Chip couldn't resist, but moan softly of this action of his boyfriend. After Sonic heard Chip moan, he grinned at Chip an breaks the kiss.

Sonic: so cute~

Sonic said as he touched Chip's wing

Sonic: can I hear more of it~?

Chip moaned, he knew that he's wing was his weakness, but Sonic couldn't resist, but touch his wing

Chip: s-sonic~ s-stop~

Sonic: aww~, you want me to stop~? I don't think so~

Sonic said in a lust voice, Sonic continued to please his little boyfriend then stops

Sonic: heh, you ready to get dirty~?

Chip: *nods* g-go easy on me

Sonic: alright~

Sonic said as he pulled chip close to him and licked his body, Chip moaned as he started to feel butterflies in his stomach, but easily forgets about it. Sonic down looked down and girn more, Chip blushed as he feel his 'little friend' came out to play

Sonic: you really want this huh~?

Sonic said grabbing his 'thing' and licking the tip, Chip moaned loudly, but he loved it

Chip: s-sonic~! P-please j-just- a-ah~!!

Before Chip could finish what he was about to say, Sonic knew what he was going to say and just put his thing in his mouth and begun to suck

Chip: s-sonic~!!

Minutes later, Chip came in sonic's mouth and panted, Sonic sat up and swallowed it, and lined up his member with Chip's hole (sorry), then Sonic looked at Chip

Sonic: y-you ready?

Chip: y-yes, Sonic?

Sonic: y-yeah?

Chip: b-be gentle p-please

Sonic: o-ok

Sonic started to put his member inside him, there moans get loud, then Sonic stops and looks at Chip, waiting for him to gave the sign to go

Chip: S-sonic! I-I said g-gentle!

Sonic: s-sorry! I-I'm trying t-to be g-gentle~! D-do you want more time?

Chip: f-five minutes

Five minutes later

Chip gived Sonic to move, Sonic nods and starts to move in and out of Chip, there moans echo from the living room

Mean while outside, River and Bella (a other sonic oc) just got back from shopping and walked home, just when there about the get to the door they both heard moans

River: umm, let's go with my brother

Bella: ok?

Back inside

Both Chip and Sonic were close to climax, Sonic was the first one to climax, then Chip climax, they both panted, Sonic layed next to Chip, hugging him softly

Chip: I-I love you Sonic....

Sonic: h-heh, love you to bud....

They both falled asleep in each others arms, little did they both know that there life's was going to change forever

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