No one's P.O.V: the next morning, Sonic woke up to hearing someone throwing up in the kitchen, Sonic got up and walked to the kitchen to see Chip, but was he throwing up?
Sonic: C-chip! *goes to him* y-you ok?!
Chip: n-no.... I feel sick.....
Sonic looked at Chip with a worried face, and remembered what happened last night
Sonic: "oh god what did I do?"
Chip: *hugs sonic*
Sonic had to find out if he really did, and the only was is his soul, but he doesn't like it when someone touches his soul, but I was the only way to know, Sonic sighed and looked at Chip
Sonic: Chip, can I check you soul? Just for a second
Chip: f-fine *shows him his soul*
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Sonic: c-chip.... Y-your pregnant....
Chip was shocked, what was he gonna do now? How could he tell his brother? Would he be mad or glad? Chip looked at Sonic and hugged him
Sonic: C-chip, i'm so sorry I-
Chip kissed Sonic to calm him down, Sonic kissed him back softly, trying not to hurt him
Chip: no Sonic, i'm happy! I-I always wanted a child and with you *smiles* it always been my dream
Sonic smiled and hugged Chip gentle, he was gald that Chip was ok with the whole pregnant thing, it may take months for the baby to come to this world, but they both where ready for whatever may happen to them in the future ______________________________________ TBC
Hey guys it's me River, sorry if I took long to make part four of SonChip I had school and I almost forgot about it, but I finish it, sorry if the story was short, but yeah that's all bye