Part 5: Welcome to the world Rose

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Sonic's P.O.V: It's been a couple months already, some things changed River got a girlfriend, Bella got her memories back, Shadow got a girlfriend too, Dark and the other gaia protecters got together too, but they didn't change until today

No one's P.O.V: Sonic was just chilling in the living room, with Chip next to him, but he was asleep Sonic looked at him was be in pain? Oh god, how long has it been?! Four mouths, so that means......oh god.... Chip woke up due to the pain he was going through

Chip: s-sonic!

Sonic at Chip with panic on his face, he knew it was time

Sonic: I-I know Chip! H-hang on!

Sonic said as he got Chip and ran fast to the hospital

Seavel minutes later

Sonic's P.O.V: ok, ok just breathe, he is going to be alright! I was waiting on a chair hoping that Chip was ok, I can hear the screams of pain, Sonic shooked due to the sound of him screaming and gripped the sides of the chair tight he gets flash backs of his screams when he saw he's parents kill themselves due to finding out that there friends getting killed in a car crash, and his father's parent having cancer

No one's P.O.V: Sonic heard the screaming stop and looked at the door, he saw the doc come out from the door, Sonic calmed down

Sonic: i-is he ok?

Sonic asked, trying to catch his breath while trying to talk right

Doc: calm down sir, he's ok *pats Sonic's shoulder* go on, you can see him

Sonic: *ahem* thank you doc

Sonic gets up and goes inside the room where Chip is

Once Sonic was inside he looked at Chip, which was asleep, then he looked at the small cribe (sorry if I spelled that wrong) and walked to it, Sonic smiled when he saw there baby, could they make a girl? Who cares, Sonic sat on the floor breathing heavy, but he calmed down. A week later, Chip was able to go home, they showed everyone there daughter, then dark went to Chip and hugged him, after that everything was fine, but little do they know a other fight is ahead of them.

TBC in season 2

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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