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OMG!!!! Subaru in the picture above is so fucking hot!!!! Sorry! Just thinking out loud. ^=3=^, back to the story.

Your POV

As you walk in the massive mansion. You see another boy from the limo. A small boy with purple hair, and a teddy bear in his arms. 

"Oh my god, you so fucking adorable!!!" I said to him. 

"Um, hi. My name is Kenoto, and this is Teddy. " He said with a small voice

" Well Teddy, you are also cute. May I hold you?" I knelt down and talked to the teddy bear.

" Hey, Y/n. Kenoto doesn't like when other people touch Teddy." The blond girl said walking with the red haired boy.


"Its okay Yui, Teddy said she can hold him" Kenoto said

The red head boy said " That never happens, you must have gotten on his good side."

"Ayato. Who is this hot chick and why is she here" said a voice. I felt a pair of arms around my waist and something wet on my neck. Someone is licking me!!!

I grabbed my knife out of my pocket and turned around and slashed the strangers face.

A boy with red like Ayato's but with a fedora, a gripping his face where I had slashed.

"Lick me again and I will kill you." I sneered

"Whoa, I've never seen a girl do that before." said Ayato backing away from me with his hand in surrender. Kenoto also backed up. 

"Well she is not the only one who is pissed off at Laito. He broke my ear buds." said a boy who was laying on the couch.

"Ladies do not pull a knife on a man, it is just not lady-like." said a man with black hair and glasses.

"yeah but I had a reason" I said sneered at him

"Can you guys just stop all the fucking crap!" said a voice in the shadows. The boy who I "met" last night came out of the shadows. He looked at me "Crap, why is she here." he said looking away 

CRAP! I am in a house of Vampires!

(demon x vampire ) Subaru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now