Chapter Thirty-Four

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Nathaniel and I didn't talk again till after dinner, which we spend in the large kitchen. Surprisingly Sammuel and Jaden joined us as well so for once there were more people actually eating than just sitting around.

I had thought Jaden ate a lot but damn! Sammuel easily ate twice as much if not more... It seemed however that Elliot had been warned about it because he'd made loads more food than usual so there was enough for everyone.

Hayden didn't know of course that our grandfather had been here and I decided not to tell him. It would only make him sad to know he'd missed him and that he might never be able to see him.

The boy was unusually quiet as he looked around and focused his golden eyes that looked so much like Tlanextic's on everyone. First he stared at Nathaniel as if trying to figure out what my Mate was thinking.

Nathaniel was leaning back in his chair, his long legs stretched out underneath the table as he carefully surveyed the room. One arm he'd spread out along the back of my chair so he could occasionally stroke his long fingers along the nape of my neck or run them through my hair.

But despite the easy going posture he was still incredibly tense and worried. He wasn't sure if he'd done the right thing by inviting Tlanextic here that much was sure.

It was clear that Hayden could sense Nathaniel's tension and by the focused look on his face he was trying to ease it somehow. I wasn't sure what he was doing or if I was just imagining it but he wasn't just very emphatic, he seemed to be able to actually influence people for the better.

After a while I could almost feel the tension drain away from my Mate and that's the moment Hayden's attention switched from Nathaniel to Sammuel.

The big man had taken off his blade and carefully balanced it against the table right next to him. His chair a little pulled sideways so that he could face the entire room as he ate. He seemed intent on eating his food, which he did with the table manners of a Viking... Not surprising because he'd probably lived at that time.

Sammuel didn't speak or make rude jokes and jibes like I had come to expect from him, his eyes occasionally drifting towards Nathaniel or Jaden. But when Hayden focused his attention on him he visibly stiffened as if he noticed something unpleasant or surprising.

Shortly after however dinner was finished and the Viking excused himself with a brusque nod and a few growled words. Nathaniel let him go without saying anything, at least not vocally but I had the feeling he could speak with the Viking mentally just like he could with me, well maybe not exactly the same but still.

I took Hayden upstairs for bed and tucked him in. As usual I read him a few pages from one of his books and soon he was ready to sleep. For once he insisted I sing him a lullaby again which I did with a strange feeling of Deja Vu.

Nathaniel's lullaby came so easily to me as I sang that I really wondered how I'd picked it up so fast. This was only the second time I sang it myself but I knew it word for word by heart and I had from the start.

As I closed the door to his room behind me Nathaniel was right there, leaning against the opposite wall as if he'd been waiting for me. His stormy eyes piercing as he gazed at me but his words were gentle.

'You have a beautiful voice Ams, I wish you'd sing for me as well,' a smile made his face look less stern. I started to blush as he flowed to his feet and reached his hand out to me. Pulling me into his side and then quickly guiding me to our bedroom.

'We are going back to school tomorrow, just a few more days and then we're moving back to my stronghold,' he informed me as he used his powers to close the door behind us. With one hand he softly stroked across my now marked skin.

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