Chapter One:Victoria's past

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(Warning:This chapter contains child abuse.If you are not cofortable the please skip this part and move down to wear you see an all clear.)

There is a girl named Victoria Harris.So lets start from the beginning.Victoria was supposted to be born on October 10th,1994 but her dad wanted her to be born on his birthday September 30th.So on September 29th the doctor gave Victoria's mom Donna medican to have her give birth on the 30th.On the day of Victoria's birth her dad was so happy.Dave (her dad)said it was the greatest gift he could of asked for.

Then when Victoria turned one something changed in Dave.He started to take his anger out on Victoria and her brother Bryan.Sometimes Victoria would cry herself to sleep wondering what she did wrong.When Victoria turned six (bryan was 8) it all of a sudden stopped.

For four years Dave was nice to Victoria and Bryan.Victoria let herself belive that Dave changed and she trusted him but when Victoria turned ten(bryan was 12) Dave told her and bryan to not call him dad anymore.Victoria was heartbroken.She thought she could trust Dave but apperently she was wrong.Then one day when she was 13(bryan was 15) her family was going on a road trip and they got in a car crash.Victoria was the only surviver.She was taken to an orpanage.Victoria still went to school but kids picked on her.

They would bully her because of her past.How even her own father didn't want her.She was bullied the whole time she was in school.Sometimes even about how she always got straight A's on papers and assianments.Now lets skip forward a little.The year is 2010 and Victoria is 15.It is April 15th right now.Victoria hasn't smiled or laughed since she was 13 on the day of the crash.


Victoria sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.It was on the X factor.Suddenly a boy with blond hair and blue eyes showed up on the screen.He said in an adorable Irish accent that his name was Niall Horan and he was from Mullingar,Ireland.When he sang Victoria did something she hadn't done in years.She smiled.Victoria absoultly loved Niall's voice.After Niall's 1rst audition Victoria always watched and voted for him.

When Niall didn't make it Victoria was devistated.She had thought that he would have a shot at winning.Then when she found out he was put into a band and be continueing Victoria was delighted.She then voted for Niall's band One Direction every time.She liked all of the boys but there was no denieing that Niall was her favorite.She would also watch the video diaries and she adored Niall's laugh and smile.After the X factor she went back to her life and was once again sad.

(Sorry if u think it is a little short.I want u guys to know that I want u to be truethful to me.If u think it needs worked on or anything else tell me.It is ok.I will try my best to make u guys happy.Oh and don't worry One Direction will be in the next chapter.I will update soon.Thanks for reading)

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