Part 5: Words being said aloud

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*Disclaimer: This chapter contains mature content, (smut, immature language, or violence). Viewer discretion is advised.*

Stupid work. Stupid mind. Stupid Karma. Nagisa thought over all of these concepts as he made his way into his room. He rubbed the tears from his eyes and sighed. Because his mind wouldn't stop running at hyper-speed, the bluenette's drowsiness faded. What even was his and karma's relationship? This sure was awkward. The blue haired male laughed at his own cluelessness. What a pain, I really am pathetic. Nagisa sat down at his desk and got his school work out.

"Agh, that's no good." Nagisa erased what he had written in his notes. This was useless. He really wanted Karma to be there, but Nagisa also had to get a grip of himself. He couldn't get so distracted, it wasn't usual for Nagisa to 'miss' or fixate over anyone. Thinking about it more, Something in Nagisa's mind clicked. He'd been playing this love game too kindly. It was time for Nagisa to step up and try to confront his inner stranger. Karma didn't need someone so unpredictable. Was this why Nagisa had issues understanding him? Was it because they were both so controversial? Nagisa wanted to show the red head something of his that he would remember too, not some weak coward who ran from his feelings. The blunette then remembered something—well tried too. Did he pass out after kissing Karma? Nagisa's heart dropped when realization took over. He had also 'passed out' the night he stayed over at Karma's house and fell asleep. I'm so weak, and it's all because my head is saying two different things. Nagisa pouted, feeling sorry for himself again.

At that very moment, there was a slight rustle in Nagisa's his closet. Maybe something fell? Nagisa couldn't have been more confused. He got up and opened the closet door. A few things had fallen from the top of the shelf so Nagisa bent down to pick them up. Then, the blue male looked up. There in the closet, clinging to a tight spot on the top shelf was a rather cramped Karma.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Nagisa whisper shouted and looked around to see of his mom was still around. Nagisa's face flushed as he made direct eye contact with the smirking Karma.

"Hey hey hey! Nagi~! Did you miss me?" Karma laughed softly at his cleverness and slowly squeezed himself out of Nagisa's closet. Wait...MY closet?? Nagisa's face reddened.

"K-Karma..?! I thought you left!? And what are you doing snooping around in my closet!?" Nagisa said out of embarrassment.

"Awwww ~ aren't you proud of my sneaky ability? I thought I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself! Plus, I thought you'd appreciate it too since you're the king of assassinating." Karma chucked and climbed down efficiently. Soon, he was standing in front of the frazzled Nagisa.

"No I'm not proud, and I think you should leave!" Nagisa looked away from the red male. The timing was really bad. Even if it was Karma, Nagisa had just sifted through his thoughts and came to a conclusion to be stronger; but was this really the right way of going about it? Nagisa didn't have any time to react or prepare. Karma looked cocky as ever, so Nagisa sighed and laughed a little himself.

"It was kind of hard to leave you though." Karma said and scratched the back of his head. After all, Nagisa did faint.

"I figured you might want some reassurance..." Karma looked down at the blunette with a soft smile. The red male really did know how to break Nagisa's icy walls. Or maybe it was the other way around. Maybe Nagisa just knew how to part the barrier of flames Karma had in his heart. Karma's eyes were full of life and Nagisa hadn't seen them like this in a long time. It made the blue male forget about the uneasy occurrence that happened not so long ago.

"Really...? You stayed for me...? T-Thanks Karma...That was really nice of you." Nagisa said slowly, but quickly regained his consciousness and shut the closet door quietly. Once the blue haired male sat down at his desk again, an awkward silence filled the air. Then, Nagisa was the one who spoke first, breaking the silence.

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