"Why were you stopping by the house?" Johnny ask me.
I frown, looking up at them, Hayes is getting stitches and we're waiting on him to get out. He'll be released as soon as he's done. "I was on my way to a dinner, then the airport. I had a meeting with Harvard med tomorrow. There aren't anymore flights out until end of summer." I inform them.
Elizabeth sighs, looking at me, "Your parents are going to kill us when they find out Madilyn."
"I know, I'm sorry, I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye. I didn't know this Hayes kid was going to be on the ground bleeding." I tell her.
"That Hayes kid, he's my son. Madi, I really appreciate you helping, knowing what was on the line for you." Elizabeth smiles at me.
I smile back, "It's only college" I joke, "Not like it's my future or anything."
"That's the truth, we don't need college, and that's what I've been trying to tell you" Elizabeth and I both turn at the same time to see Hayes standing behind us. "Oh, you were joking.?"
"Hayes, not everyone is like you. She actually wants to go to college, and she might've just given up everything she's worked for to help you." Elizabeth tells her son.
Hayes looks semi guilty as silence fills the air, that is until my phone rings. Dad flashes across the screen with the sliding answer bar. "This is my cue to leave." I stand up, looking at Elizabeth, "Goodbye Elizabeth." I tell her.
"It's not a goodbye, goodbye is forever, it's just a see you later." She tells me.
I laugh, "See you Liz, and say the same for Skylynn and Johnny for me will you?"
"You know it hon, I'll see you around." I turn on my heels, leaving the hospital, calling my dad back, knowing I'm fixing to get yelled at.