Chapter 5

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*Dougie's pov*

Why the hell did I say 'going out friend', I mean, what does that even mean!? God I must have sounded so dumb but thank The Lord that Darcy laughed it off.

After I'd got off the phone with Darcy, I turned to look at the guys who were taking the piss out of me whilst I was on the phone and stuck my middle finger up at them.

'What the fuck guys? You're all such dicks!' I shouted at them facing away from them. Harry wrapped his arms round me from behind.

'Oh Butty. We were just kidding.' he laughed, planting a kiss on my cheek.

'Ugh Harry!' I cringed pulling away.

'So......' the guys all said in chorus. I raised my eyebrow then smiled.

'Oh nothing major.' I shrugged. The guys darted looks at each other. 'She said yes to being my girlfriend!' I said coolly.

'Go Dougie!' Tom said patting me on the back.

'Well done mate'. Danny agreed.

I looked over at Harry who was pretending to be all sad. I went over to him and gave him a massive hug.

'Harry! Just because I'm with Darcy doesn't mean Pudd isn't forever!' I joked. Harry laughed and we fist bumped.

'Congrats mate. After Frankie you need some cheering up!'. I smiled weakly at him and went up to the studio to work on my bass.

*Darcy's pov*

The next morning I was still reeling over yesterday's events but still hadn't found the courage to tell mum and dad. I knew what mum's reaction would be, she'd tell me that 'oh he's famous, he won't love you forever. He'll find some other famous girl and ditch you'. And dad wouldn't say anything apart from 'if he hurts you, I'll kill him!' I just can't trust them. It was easy telling Tori and Aimee cause we're so close, that it wasn't awkward and they know that I won't do anything stupid. It wasn't my first boyfriend.

Not to sound like a slut that goes from boy to boy but I know how it feels to be hurt by someone I truly cared about. A couple of years ago I was going out with this boy whom I had been in love with since I was 12 and one day I found out he was three timing me and it broke my heart. Dad said the exact same thing when I started going out with him, 'if he hurts you, I'll kill him' and when he found out what he had done, dad actually went over to his house and bit the shit out of him. And from that day on I never allowed myself to get hurt ever again cause it caused everyone else so much hurt too. But with Dougie I felt like he would never hurt me the way that boy did, I can't even say his name, it just brings back memories and I cry uncontrollably.

Around the breakfast table, I finally mustered up the courage to tell the parents. I put down my fork and coughed.

'Mum? Dad?' I announced. The whole table went silent and everyone looked at me. I looked over at Aimee who was smiling in encouragement and Tori nodded. I cleared my throat. 'Ive got some news. I-I've met someone and we're official.' I stopped and waited for the obvious reaction.

'Great. Who is it?' Mum finally said. Great, here goes. Time to tell her it's someone famous.

'Its Dougie Poynter.' I said quickly before darting back into my seat. Mums eyes widened as she realised who I just said.

'Dougie Poynter? From that band you like?' she asked trying to understand. I nodded and bit my lip in anticipation for her next sentence. 'Well that's great honey. Isn't it great Steven?' she asked Dad nudging him.

'What? Oh yeh great Darcy. Well done kiddo.' he said, not taking his eyes of the morning paper. Mum stabbed him in the ribs with her spoon.

'Darcy's got a famous boyfriend!' she said slowly trying to make dad understand. Dad's eyes shot up from the paper and looked at me.

'What!? He's famous? You can't have a relationship with someone famous, you're too young to be in the limelight!' he ranted on. He carried on lecturing me about the dangers of having a famous boyfriend and that he'll hurt me and all the normal fatherly stuff.

'Dad. I'm not going to let him hurt me alright? I am 20, I am a big girl now.' I told him, leaning my head on his shoulder. He patted my head and laughed.

' I know you will DD. But if he hurts you...'

'Ill kill him' I joined in. We laughed and that was it. Mum and Dad were ok with it. I could finally go public.

I went on Facebook and changed my status from single to being in a relationship and revealed that it was Dougie. I instantly got 20 likes and millions of comments from friends and estranged family members. After going through all the comments, bad and good, another 'like' came through on my notifications. It was Dougie. I smiled goofily and text him.

" thanks for liking xxxxx" I text him. My phone buzzed straight away.

"aha no problem my lovely xxxxxx" I smiled goofily again. We text for hours and hours.

"Do you want to meet later?" he asked. I agreed and told him where to meet. We were meeting at his flat!

I got changed into my black skinny jeans and my The Offspring t-shirt, pulled my hair up in a messy bun and put on my red converses. When I got to Doug's I pressed the buzzer but there was no answer, I pressed it again still no answer. I sighed and rung him. It went straight to voicemail.

'Mr Poynter!?' I yelled through the intercom. I heard footsteps running down the lobby stairs before the door opened and standing there was a dripping wet Dougie in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

'Hey DD' he greeted me giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

'Hello Mr Poynter. You're looking... clean!' I laughed, walking back up to his flat. Dougie laughed too and we went up to his flat. We went into the lounge and sat on the sofa.

'Hang on a sec. I'll just go put on some clothes.' he said, as he was walking out the door. I coughed and he turned round. 'What?' he asked smiling. I raised my eyebrow and smiled cheekily at him.

'Oh nothing. I was just enjoying the shirtless look.' I teased him. He turned round and came back into the room and placed his lips against mine. We kissed normally for a couple of minutes before it turned into more passionate. I could feel his towel slipping off but he grabbed it and wrapped it tighter.

We pulled away and he finally went to get dressed. I sat on the sofa sorting out my hair and straightening out my top. Minutes later he came back down in a white t shirt, chino shorts and his blue Vans. I looked at him in awe. He looked so gorgeous. He sat down next to me and put his arm round my shoulders.

'So what do you want to do?' he asked. I shrugged

'I dunno. There's something I would like to do but your dressed now'. I joked. 'No but seriously, do you wanna make something?' I asked.

'Cookies?' I smiled and he led me into the kitchen and we started. I cracked an egg and managed to get it all down myself.

'Oh crap.' I mumbled. Dougie laughed and threw some flour at me. I gave him evils, grabbed the mixing spoon and started flicking cookie mixture at him. It turned into a massive food fight and before we knew it there was mess all over the place.

*Dougie's pov*

I looked at the state of the kitchen then looked at Darcy. Her hair was all messy and had flour all over her face. She' so sweet and perfect, I can't believe she's mine. We stood laughing at all the mess.

'Right. We should probably clean up.' I announced, turning to the sink. I felt Darcy's hands coming round my waist and her head resting on my shoulder from behind. I turned and kissed her on the nose.

'Do I have to help clean?' she whined. 'Id rather go have a shower.' I sighed and nodded.

'Fine. Go on then, its down the hall.' I said, tapping her bum as she walked out. But before she left the room she turned round.

'You can join me if you like!' she winked and slid out the door. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. Even though I liked her, really liked her, I wasn't ready to do anything with her yet. Hopefully one day but not today.

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