Chapter 1

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I sat in the back seat of the impala tapping my foot to Back in Black by ACDC. Dean, Sam, and I were yelling out the lyrics. It was maybe the thirtieth time today we have listened to this album. But that didn't stop us from singing it out every word. Sam was on air drums Dean on air guitar and I was on air base. We had a whole routine planned out for every song on the album. John shook his head at us but he wore a hidden smile. We were on our way to our new temporary home. We were going to the fourth new school this year and it as only second quarter. I didn't mind moving around. I liked being the mysterious new girl. I could do whatever I wanted. Make as many friends or enemies or lays as I wanted after all I'd be gone in a few weeks. John had a few cases lined up after he dropped us off. Both Dean and I really wanted to go with him. We wanted to hunt so bad. But John just told us to watch Sammy and stay put.

We drove past the Welcome to Nevada sign. Our newest home, New Washoe City. The city seemed pretty small. There was a lake and a national park. But overall it seemed boring. However Las Vegas wasn't that far from here. Maybe we could have some fun with that if John left baby with us. I hope he leaves baby with us, I absolutely hate riding the bus. We drove a while longer until we pulled into the parking lot of the Washoe Motel. It looked just as crappy as the others. "Y/N go get us a room we'll get the bags... one room two beds understand?" John said putting the car into park. "Yes sir." I said hopping out of the car. I ran into the lobby of the motel. It smelled like sweat, piss, and booze. I don't know what color the carpet was originally but it was not the same color now. The crappy wallpaper peeled of the walls and one of the lights flickered of to the side. Ah home sweet home. I walked up to the pedophile at the front desk. He looked like he was ready to devour me. Why did John always send me to the creeps alone. "Hey little lady what can I do for you." He said leaning over the desk. "One room two beds. staying indefinitely." I said putting the credit card on the desk. "Name?" he asked. "Eric Johnson." I said. It was the name on the card and a really good guitarist. "Room 214B. If you need anything...please don't hesitate to ask." He smiled creepily holding out the key. "I won't thanks." I said uncomfortably taking the key.

John, Dean, and Sam were standing by the impala with all the bags. I took them to the room and we started unpacking. The room was no better than the lobby. In fact the room made the lobby look like a spotless castle. We hadn't eaten yet so we ordered take out to the room. It arrived pretty quickly. We started to eat and John grabbed two beers. One for himself and one for me and Dean to share. He wouldn't let us have a whole beer because we were underaged. Sam asked if he could have a sip once and John said no. We let him have some when John wasn't looking. He was too distracted in his research so he didn't really notice. It was late so we all decided to head to bed early. I took a shower first and put on one of dean's shirts and a pair of shorts. Then dean showered and came out in just boxers and hopped into bed with me. This wasn't unusual. Actually this is how it had always been. John and Sam shared one bed while Dean and I got the other. This is how it had been since I was four years old. My parents died and I stayed with the Winchesters. Then mary died and we were on the road. I'm 16 now. So is Dean, Sam is 12 but he's so smart he's in high school with us. He's a freshman and we're juniors.

"Tomorrow you guys go to school and enroll okay? So don't sleep in." John said as he turned the lights off. "Yes sir." We all said in unison. After I heard John start snoring I turned over to Dean. "That shower was gross." I whispered. "I know right. It was worse than that one in new jersey!" He nodded. "Oh no there will never be a shower as gross as new jersey. Rats started coming out of the walls while I was mid-shampoo!" I laughed. "You screamed so loud we thought a monster was tryin' to kill ya! You slept in the car." He shook his head at the memory. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh loud enough to wake up John or Sam. "So new school. What do we think... blend in and ride it out till we move or rock the boat?" Dean whispered quietly. "This place is boring. Plus we were obscure at the last school...I vote we rock the boat. These small town kids could use some excitement." I whispered. "Alright then." He held up his pinky and we pinky swore. It was stupid but we did it every night before we went to a new school. When we first started going to school in kindergarten I was worried Dean and I wouldn't be best friends anymore. So he pinky swore we'd be best friends forever. Now it was tradition. A promise to not forget who our best friend is. It's stupid and childish I know but it's become superstitious at this point. "Night bitch." Dean said going to sleep. "Night prick." I smiled falling asleep as well.

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