Chapter 2

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I was woken up by Sam jumping on me and Dean. "Common get up your gonna make us late! Dad already left and he left us the impala! So GET YOU LAZY ASSES UP!" I threw a pillow at Sam, knocking him of the bed. "What time is it?" Dean asked sleepily. "5 am!" Sam said. I almost shot him at that. "School doesn't start till 7:30 dumbass!" I said. Sam huffed in annoyance. "I want to get breakfast and we still have to enroll. SO GET THE HELL UP!" Sam said running into the bathroom to greet ready. I turned to dean and with a dead serious face said, "do you think John would notice if we killed him?" He looked at me with the same serious face, "only one way to find out." "I heard that!" We heard sam from inside the bathroom. "Good you were meant to!" I yelled back. Me and dean got up and got dressed for school. I wore...(Whichever outfit you like best)

I curled my y/c/h hair and put on some makeup

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I curled my y/c/h hair and put on some makeup. I always liked to look hot for school. It made for a much more fun experience. Dean wore his usual jeans, plaid, and his dads leather jacket. "Common Sammy What could possibly be taking you this long?!?!" Dean yelled at the bathroom door. Sam then opened the door and steam came flooding out. "What I wanted to shower!" Sam said. "Whatever common nerd let's take you to your home planet... school" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes but walked to the car anyway. We hopped into the impala and drove to our new school. "Okay you know the rules..." Dean said. "Don't talk about hunting, no backstory, don't get expelled, no weapons, don't get too close to people, and don't invite anyone back to the motel." Sam and I said in unison. "And if someone asks what dad does...." Dean smiled. "Traveling gay stripper..." I smiled sarcastically. "He works in scrap metal." Sam says in a bored voice. Dean smiled putting the car into park. "Alright gang let's do this." 

We stepped out of the car and walked towards the school. Everyone in the courtyard was staring at us. "Who are they?" "Cool car." "Damn I wanna hit that." "He seems mysterious..." We heard whispered all around us. One of the football  players was staring at my with his jaw wide open. I pushed my sunglasses on the top of my head and smiled a flirtatious confident smile. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Then I placed a finger under his jaw and closed it. "Wouldn't want ya to catch flies." I smirked and winked than walked away. He was blushing like crazy and all his friends were in awe. I walked away not looking back. Okay yup this was gonna be fun. 

We walked into the building and every student stopped their conversations and stared at us. We walked into the office and everyone followed us. Dean smiled to the old lady behind the desk. "Hey sweetheart. We're here to enroll..." She looked at us questioningly. "Where are your parents?" She stared at us. "Dead... can we have the paperwork and class schedules now?" I smiled. She looked at me shocked and handed me the paperwork. After about thirty minutes we were enrolled and  were signing up for classes. "We'll take the same classes." Dean said pointing to himself then me. One of the cheerleaders smiled at us. "Awww that's cute. Are you guys twins or something?" She smiled. "Nah just best friends." He smiled at her. We were handed our schedules and as requested me and dean had all the same classes. "Great thanks." I said to the desk lady. "Alright you know where your headed Sammy?"  Dean asked. "Yeah I have History first. What about you guys?" Sam asked. I looked at my schedule "Looks like we have English first." I said. "Okay Sammy check up with us at lunch okay?" Dean said. "Sure... See you guys later... and please try not to get in too much trouble!" Sam pleaded. "No promises!" We said in unison walking to our english class. 

"Listen up class! We have two new students joining us today... Welcome Dean Winchester and Y/N Y/L/N." The teacher introduced us. Everyone stared at us. Every girl stared at Dean and every guy was staring at me. "Would you like to tell us about yourselves?" We both looked at her like she was stupid. "Not really sweetheart" Dean smirked. I rolled my eyes. She looked at us with disgust and told us to sit in the back. I sat in the back row and Dean kicked some kid out of his seat to take the seat next to me. I smiled at him then looked around the room. Dean looked at me and we began our silent conversations. What do you think about her? Dean silently asked gesturing towards the blonde cheerleader in the front row. I scrunched up my nose and shook my head, no. He shrugged his shoulders, why not. Dean she is more into ME than you... I mouthed to Dean. When we looked around people were staring at us very confused. Second row third seat from the left  I "told" dean.  He looked and nodded. It was a shy blonde girl. She was very focussed on the teacher and the lesson. Oh a good girl! perfect for dean... she'll take that ego down a few notches. He nodded in approval. Once class ended Dean walked over to talk to the girl and I started walking out of class but was stopped. "Hey! My name is Liam. What's yours sweetcheeks?" He was a football player. He was tall and hot and had brown eyes and was hot and had brown hair and WAS HOT. "Y/N..." He was hot but obviously wasn't smart... I mean the teacher did announce my name at the beginning of class. "What class are you headed to?" I looked at my schedule, "Health." I said. He smirked, "Me too!" of course he does. "I'll walk you!" He smiled. Great.... now this guys is gonna wanna get to know me. "Nah thanks I'll find it myself...Dean-o! Let's go to Health!" I yelled interrupting his flirt session. No way in hell is she giving him the time of day. He walked over to  me and put his arm around my shoulder. "She isn't having it is she?" I smiled. He rolled his eyes, "She'll come around... No one can resist my charm." He smiled sarcastically. "Prick." "Bitch." 

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