Chapter 2

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Johns POV:
As I slowly wake up to my alarm I realized that Alex isn't here where is he so I get up wobbling like I just learned to walk I finally make it to the living room he still no where to be found coffee was made so I know someone was here earlier .I start to walk into my room not realizing my door was shut for a reason as I open the door I see Alex standing there in his boxers wow he looks good I thought to my self but then pushed those thoughts away he put on his shirt fast but I still saw some kind of marks on his chest and back
oh god sorry I didn't mean to
"no no it's fine"
can I uh ask som- he cut me off
"I got to run see you latter John."
Oh ok bye Alex
I pounder what to do now because my first class isn't till 11 and it's only 9:30 I could always text Lafayette and see what he's doing.
Alex POV:
God I hope he didn't see my bruises he probably thinks I'm a psycho for what happened to me and he probably saw the my rolls upon rolls of fat he must think that I'm diseased or something washington asked to see me this morning I'm kinda nervous he doesn't usually check in on me unless he thinks I'm...... my thoughts get cut of by my leg hurting but probably just a bruise I walk in and sit in the chair across from him
"Son how are you"
"please don't call me that" I mumbled
"Okay Alex how are you doing"
"fine I guess" I shrugged
"do you have your new roommate"
"is nice or..."
"yes sir" I say a bit sarcastic
"listen Alex I'm just trying to help I know it's been hard since you .... but I need to know if your ok"
"yes I'm fine can I please go now" I say still no eye contact
"can I see your arms"
" ok..." I push up my sleeve to reveal very faint marks on my arm and my new raw mark
"I'm not....."
"Ok I just wanted to make sure- ...... he stops examining my new mark that I forgot about
what's that"
I finally make eye contact
"He points to the scare
An awkward silence rang through the office
I look away not able to stare him in the eyes any longer seeing the disappointment in his eyes I get up pull my sleeve down then throw on my back pack
" ok well I got to go to class"
I sat opening the door

" Oh well ok you do that but.....please try not scratch"
he said with a faint smile
I agreed returned the smile and left
As I'm walking to class I here some boy calling out my name
"basterd ...Son of hore ..... you fag listen to me"
How dose he know my any of that
I stop dead in my tracks books clinched to my chest
"What kind of school lets an ugly Immigrant like you in" I try to keep moving but my legs are semi Ted to the ground
"Hey listen when I'm talking to  you bastard "
He pushed me down I try to get back up but he pushes me again he kicks me in the gut
" what a worthless piece of shit"
He kicks me more I start to develop tears in my eyes
" oh is the little baby crying now not so tough now huh"
He laughed and the kicks me again
"Wow its hard to hit you through all that fat you known maybe you should go on a diet you fat whore son."
He finale walks away I'm curled up in a ball trying to find the strength to get back up I lay there it feels like forever but then I hear a voice
"Oh my God Alexander are you ok what happened, who did this to you"
It's Peggy oh god oh god she thinks I'm even more pathetic she looks at me
"can you stand up"
I can't speak but I slowly start to get up try not to cry and put on a fake smile  and look at the girl I told her I was fine and started to walk to class but then she ran in front of me
"Where do you think your going"
"Nope Your going to the nurse" she hooked her arm in mine and led me there
As I'm waiting to get any news back from the nurse I'm reading my book then I hear a voice "Alex"
"Yes" I stand up
And walk over to the nurses front desk and she handed me a prescription I stuck in my book and I start to walk out but Peggy is in front of me again
"What now I'm already late" I say a bit to harsh then intended
"How do you feel" she said with a smile
"Worthless" I whispered
She gets a confused look on her face
"say that again"
"........ I mean fine
I got run see ya later Peggy"
I walk out and now not knowing where to go from here shit a tall skinny man walked by with a shorter muscular man with him they seemed nice so I walk up to them
They stop in the middle of their conversation that's clearly in English and look at me
um excuse me do you know where the law building is from here
They both get smirks on their face
"Pas d'anglais" the skinny tall one says
"Oh savez-vous où la loi est à partir d'ici" I say with a smirk
There mouth drops
The muscular one points left
"Je vous remerci"
They just nod
And I finally find the way to the law building with 2 minutes to spare I guess I'll make a run for it
Thx Lynn xoxo comments are greatly appreciated

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