Chapter 5

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Alex POV
I've been driving for a while I'm about to go to the dorms but then my phone rings I pick it up not looking who it is
"Hey Alex I have a favor to ask"
It's Peggy
"Of coarse anything"
"Would you pick me up from work"
" yeah send me the address"
" thx Alex see you in a minute"
I hung up and put the address in my phone when she sent
I pull up to this retro 80's dinner I see Peggy roller skating out with a short yellow dress on and her hair half up in a yellow bandanna to match the dress
She opens the door
"Hey Alex thx again I hope I wasn't interrupting anything"
" no problem and your plan for me to hang out with John didn't work" I said she went red
"Oh you knew about that?" She said sheepishly
Yeah let's just say I was a buzz kill"
"Who said that to you Alex" she said mad
" it doesn't matter now your dorm or mine"
"Yours" I smile
" Hey Alex...would you let with makeup on you"
"Sure why not" she squealed "stop at my dorm then" she said with a smile
"Oh and the convenient store"
"Ok... what are you gonna get there"
Hair dye for me unless you want yours done to"
"Umm no thx"
We walk in to my dorm I have her bags I set them  down I sit down on the couch criss cross "first I'm gonna brush your hair is that ok Alex"
She brushes through my hair while I'm write a shoot of pain goes through my leg I yelp
"Are you ok Alex"
"Yeah I'm fine" i look down as i play with my hair tie on my wrist
I fake a smile she frowns
"Your lying you played with your hair tie on your wrist"
What's wrong"
It's nothing just a little leg pain"
Ok if you say so now look at me I look she starts putting stuff on my face then takes some kinda sponge and hit it against my face for forever
"Omg your so pale lol"
I chuckle
~•~•~•~~• 3 hr later
" it's never and Eliza or and Angelica its always and Peggy"
"You deserve so much better" I say
I know but I put up with it because I love them but...hold still so I don't mess up your wing as I was saying some times I just feel like I'm invisible and-
My phone rang
"Hold that thought" i cheek it it's John
"Hello" I say a bit annoyed
"Yo Alex can you pick us up if your done being petty"  he slurred his words and I heard a bunch of them laugh
"Yeah I'll be right there" I grumble  and hang up
"We got to pick up John" i say getting up
" oh are you ok you look upset"
"Yeah I'm fine let's just go"I grab my keys and head to the car as I'm walking down the hall I remember I'm in a shit ton of make up an my hair is in curlers I feel my face heat up
"Are you ok Alex"
"Mmhm" I hum as ere walking to my car we get in and drive to the bar John comes running over with laf and herc they get in
"Alex such a pretty girl" John slurred
I stay quite
I feel someone's hand on my leg
"What the fu-"
"It's ok Lexi I know you want me"
Peggy slaps his hand away and scolds him all the way to the dorm laf a herc are making out and John keeps touching me we finally get to our dorm I go in back on the couch and Peggy finishes my make up and take my hair out of the curlers it looks more of a beach wave though and Peggy's hair looked great with her hot pink tips
John ended up asleep on the bathroom floor  I give Peggy my bed while I lay on the couch read when I finally dose of around five I get up an hour later to go shower I open the bathroom door shit I forgot about John
I push him a little
He groaned
John.....johnny........JOHN............JOHN LAURENS
"What the fuck do you want Alex "
"I need to take a shower" i mumble  
"Then take one "i feel my face heat up
"But your in here"
"We're both dudes I won't look"
I think a minute I step in to the shower close the curtains and undress And put my clothes out and turn on the shower once I'm done it's freezing at first so I yelp a bit i hear a chuckle when i'm done I poke me head out John is gone I step out shit I frogot my clothes I step out in a towel wrapped around my waist John should be asleep and so should Peggy so I walk out to go find close when I open my room door I'm meet with John  herc and Lafayette looking at me Shit I turn back around to go back to the bathroom i here a whistle and then a gasp I shut the doors back to the bathroom and put my old clothes on I know what they gasped at the big bruises and welps on my back or maybe the scares on my wrist I just hope they don't ask I walk back out head to the bedroom when I walk in all talking stops I ignored it and grabbed my backpack and keys I turn to walk out and John is in front of me 

" excuse me I need to get to class" I said rolling my eyes
"Alex can I ask you something"
Here it comes
"Sure if you move" I said aggravated
"What happened to your back" well wasn't my arms  
"Mmm" I hummed
I look him strait in the eye
"Fuck off like you actually care"
I go to leave and John grabs my wrist
I flinch in pain
"Let go"I hiss
"John let him go mon ami" Laf said he let my wrist I turn to leave again but herc is in the way
" dammit fucking move I'm late for class" I yell
"Not until you tell us what happened" herc said  
"If you really want to know go ask Charles lee he loves to meet me after class for a good beating now if you excuse me I need-" I was cut off by the pain in my leg radiating up my Side
"Hmmm" I hummed in pain
"Alex are you ok" Laf asked  
"I'm fucking fine now move so I can leave" herc finally moves
I walk out and head to the coffee shop

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