How You Two Met

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You met him when he came to his favourite café, where you work with Mera and Cathy. You served him his regular order of Coffee Jelly, questioning how he even ordered it when he doesn't even talk.


He found out about your nerdness, totally wasn't from Cathy, and nervously tried starting a conversation with you. The two of you became fast friends, bonding over the same common interests. Both of you nerding the hell out.


Since you where seen as a rebel, the purple haired boy tried becoming friends with you because he thought that the two of you could get along. It surprisingly worked, becoming really good friends.


You questioned if the rumors about a boy being able to see their guardian spirit. So you asked him about it, and he confirmed it. He told you that your guardian spirit is a middle age shrine maiden. You told him that his spirit animal is a duck, not explaining why.


He was amazed by your enthusiasm for dancing, the only thing that he isn't really good at nor even knows what to do. Since you're bad at sports and he's bad at dance, the two of you decide to buddy it out and help each other with it.

Another chapter done! I want to work on this to make it as great as it can be!

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