Group Hang Out

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I have strong feeling that 90% of the pictures I'll use with either be of Saiki or have him in it. The 10% is any other character! Oof...


Kusuo doesn't like hanging out with others, so it's normally just the two of until either Cathy or Nendo appear. Or both of them.


A normal group hang out is mostly Shun and I, with Cathy being the nerd queen always just appearing and starts hanging out with us.


It's always the same people, nothing new at all. All though, hanging out mainly contains of talking whilst following Saiki around. It's great!


Reita likes being alone with me, being the huge pervert he is. But Cathy always appears to cock-block him, it gets funnier every time.


It's not really a group hang out, but just me tagging along for when Kineshi is with one of his sports teams. He says that he doesn't mind, but sometimes I think otherwise.

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