Chapter 2

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Kim's POV

I  climbed out my car with my bestfriend we walk to the dorrs of the school when all of a sudden this hot boy runs over to us. "Hey I'm Mark and I'm wondering where english is" he asked. It's around the cornor actally I'll show you instead of  telling you I have the same class" I said. I waved good bye to Ruby I walked off with Mark. "So Mark wheres you-I diddn't get to finish my sentence because Mark grabbed me and put a cloth over my mouth. I tried to scream but I sunddenly became tired. I fought him off as long as I could intill i slowley started to fall into a deep sleep.

Ruby's POV

I walk down the hall looking for Kim she didn't come to wolrd history class or english and those are her favorite classes. I start to get worried and start running. While I'm running i'm not paying attetion and bump into sombody my cglasses go flying. 'Omg I'm soo sorry I diddn't mean to bump into you " I say while I grab my glasses off the floor. "Its ok i'm Cole I was just walking to art class but I don't know where it is do you need a hand" he explains. I grabb his hand and get up."Well Cole luky for you I go to art right now I'll show you first lets go to your locker. He walks in front of me and takes me to an empty hall ay and grabs me and try's to put a clothe on my mouth but I take martial afrts but of course I'm to slow and he gets it there and I drop and start to drift into  a deep sleep.  This is a  picture of Kim

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