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The first boy I loved smelled like smoke. It should not have been surprising that he would wind around me. Suffocating. Choking.

The boy I had called my best friend quickly turned his back on me when I did not return his affections. Whore. Bitch.

My years dating boys were filled with violence and cruel words. I was uninspired by the way they treated me. The way they kissed me. Was this what I was doomed to end up with?

And then her, like an angel. Came into my life with gentle grace.

Suddenly life made sense, because how could I want any other embrace than the soft arms of a female?
Who else would I let caress my lips in the evening as we watch Harry Potter for the tenth time.

Laughter comes more easily. My heart flutters at her mere gaze. I understand at long last that how you love cannot be chosen.
This poem is special to me, because it slightly highlights how it felt to realise I was a wlw.
I don't think I could ever fully explain just how giddy the true realisation was. The way the word 'wife' makes my heart sing like 'husband' never could
I hope you enjoyed!
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