Red Eye/Shu x Reader (You Broke Up With Me: part 2)

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I didn't know what to do. I'm back in Japan, I see (y/n) every day at school, she ignores me. She avoids me any way possible. It hurt. Was this how she felt all those late nights in the Snake Pit. When I promised I'd meet her, is this how she felt when I broke up with her? She was alone.
Now here I am, crawling back and trying to piece back together the relationship we had before. I kept thinking about this when I got to school. Then I saw her, (y/n). She looked radient, beautiful, perfect. I gave her up, stupidly. Just to become stronger.
I walked up to her, "Hey (y/n). How are you doing today?" I asked.
She looked at me and blinked. "Leave me alone. Go find someone else to start a relationship with." With that, she walked away.
I sighed, this is how it's been everyday since all of us went back to Japan. Try to say hi, get partially ignored, get told off. I've honestly given up by now. 'No, stop it Shu! Did (y/n) Leave you alone, no she didn't. You did. This is karma for what happened.'
"Hey Shu!" Yelled the happy blue haired kid. "So, how did it go today with (y/n)?"
"Like always Valt. She's not going to forgive me." I replied with sorrow in my voice.
"Oh, stop thinking that way Shu. Just be there for her. It's the least you can do."
"It's been a month Valt." I said, sitting down on a near by bench.
"And how long was she with you in the Snake Pit? Three months. She didn't give up on you then did she." Valt said. He was right. She never gave up on me, so I won't give up on her.

I was getting ready to head home, I knew who I was going to see out of my classroom. It was going to be Shu. I didn't want to see him. Everything has changed, he won't leave me alone. I just want him to be himself and be with someone else. He deserves someone better.
"Hey (y/n)! So, how was your day today." Shu said, smiling. Oh how I wish I could forgive him, but he deserves something different.
"Good, I guess." I replied.
"Well, then let's go home." He said taking my hand. I quickly revoked it. Shu's face quickly turned sad.
"Lets just go home." I said. Both of us just began to walk home. Shu stayed behind me, he seemed to make sure I was safe.
That's when I couldn't take it anymore. "Look Shu. Please leave me alone. I know you want to make things better, but you can't heal the wounds that easily Shu."
"Look (y/n), I know that. I'm trying as best I can. Please just give me another chance." He said. Tears were on the verge of coming out.
"Shu, I, I need to go." I said. With that I turned around and left Shu behind, just like he did to me.

No, this isn't over. I'm not giving up. I waited for her to walk away into an alley and started to go after her. Then I heard a scream from the same area.
Please don't be (y/n). I sprinted to the scream when I saw (y/n) knocked out on the floor. Behind her i saw a man with blond hair, a blue jean jacket, black pants, and a white shirt. He had a smirk on his face as he went down to pick up the (h/c) haired girl.
"Hey, put her down." I said, walking closer to the blond.
"Why should I albino. I'm just taking what should belong to me. This girl is obviously cute enough to be my property. Why are trying to intervene. It's not like she's your girlfriend or anything is her by the looks of it." The blond said. Who does this guy think he is?!
"Put. Her. Down." I replied in a threatening voice. The blond was taken aback. He wasn't expecting that.
The blond placed (y/n) down ever so roughly. He was getting ready to attack me. I couldn't lose this battle. If I did that guy would treat MY (y/n) like a toy.
He was running at me with his fist coming high, getting ready to punch me in the face. Yet instead of doing that, I caught his fist and twisted his wrist behind his back. Then I punched him in the back and kicked the back of his knees, let go of his fist, and he was down on his knees. After that I clumped both of my hands together and hit the back part of his head knocking him out.
I looked over at (y/n) who was still out cold. I picked her up bridal style and looked down at her. She had red marks on her wrists and neck. It seems like he grasped her wrists and then choked her out to where she passed out. Then I looked back down at the blond. No one takes MY girl, but me. With that I walked back home, put (y/n) on my couch, and bandaged her up.

I woke up. Looking around I couldn't really recognized this place. Then I remembered, the blond. He choked me out. Getting up everything was in pain. Looking at my wrists, they were bandaged up. I then touched my neck. That was bandaged up too.
Suddenly, the door opened up. My facial features turned scared. I looked at the door. It was Shu. Running towards him I hugged him. I could tell, he saved me.
Tears were pouring out of my eyes. I was crying into his shirt. "Woah woah woah. Relax (y/n)" Shu was surprised. I could tell he was startled with the first contact he's gotten from me for a while.
"S-shu, I was so scared. Thank you. I'm sorry for being a real jerk. P-please don't leave me." I said, I couldn't stop the tears from coming out of my eyes.
"I, I forgive you (y/n). Except I only will, if you'll be mine again." Shu said with a smirk on his face."
I stopped crying and looked up at him with a 'really' face. "Okay Shu." I said. My face then turned into a smile. With that Shu took my face and kissed me on, the, lips.
"You what would also make me forgive you even more is if you take a nap with me." He said, his smirk widening.
"Fine." I simply replied. With that Shu and I fell asleep on the couch together.

1132 words!

Okay people, if you don't mind, PLEASE REQUEST!!! I'm sorry but I have no ideas for characters right now. I just got back from vacation, had two essays, and two tests this week. My brain is blank! Request a character for me to do. The next one is going to be a Jealous ________ x Reader, I just don't know who to do. My brain is going crazy, so PLEASE REQUEST A CHARACTER!!!

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