You are on youtube watching Princeton Grind On Me ( ; *if you haven't saw that video you should check it out :p*
Princeton- *opens the front door* Hey Y/N.
You- *bobbing head to the music and mouthing the words*
Princeton- Y/N?
You- *smiling hard*
Princeton- What the hell? *walks over* what are.... O.O *unplugs the charger and the computer shuts down*
You- *takes out ear buds* Princeton!
Princeton- What?
You- Why did you do that, I was liking the view ;)
Princeton- *turning red* Stop! You know damn well that's too embrarrassing to see myself...well you get it.
You- You shouldn't hide your gift Princey!
Princeton- *sit's beside you and laughs* Shut up
You- *pinches his cheeck* Ok I'll stop
Princeton- Besides if you wanted could have asked instead of watching it on YouTube...
You- Oh really?
Princeton- *nods yes and bites his lip*
You- *smiles and you both run to the bedroom*