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The car ride was more awkward than the sort would have liked. They had absolutely nothing in common to talk about, and Daniel had already given David his address before they left. David knew the area, so he didn't need turn by turn instructions. Max proceeded to glare at Daniel, despite Daniel's inability to even see Max in the back seat.
"So," started David, stretching the o. "How was the hospital, Daniel?" He glanced over at Daniel, before returning his attention to the road in front of him.
"Well, aside from having my stomach pumped to clean it, being in pain for several days, and having to remain in a dead silent room with only a few annoying doctors visiting, I'd say pretty okay." He emphasized the ok, smiling a bit unnaturally at David. "Not to mention, I blink now, so that's something." 
David looked over at Daniel with a mixed expression; mostly concern, with a hint of fear and confusion. David frowned, looking back at the road.
"Gosh, I'm sorry about that.." He continued looking at the road, pouting. Then, he turned and placed his hand on Daniel's shoulder, half-smiling.
"I guess you should be happy you're out, then?"
"Id beg to differ," chimed Max. Daniel shrugged David's hand off his shoulder. "Yes, I suppose. There was this annoying Doctor, Miss White, or something, she seemed way too happy to be dealing with death 24/7." Daniel sort of laughed and turned to David. "She reminded me a lot of-.." Daniel stopped when he saw David staring at Daniel, a shocked face set. "Who, now?"

Daniel blinked. "Miss White? Curly reddish-brown hair, glasses, pretty short; do you know her?" David looked back over to Daniel, a smile growing on his face. "Do I know her? That's my little sister!" Daniel recalled what she looked like compared with David as he leant his head on the window.
Green eyes, check. Auburn hair, check. Annoyingly positive attitude? Check.
"I see it," muttered Daniel. Silence washed over the van once again, save for the city ambience seeping through a cracked window and the rough motor of the old mobile. Daniel fell into a trance- perhaps a day dream- a blur of the buildings and pedestrians passing by. Huh, these seats are comfy, thought Daniel. The boring thoughts similar to those of "what type of leather these seats were made with" and "how much the manufacturers desired to make these seats so comfortable" put his mind at further rest. He attempted to keep his eyes open, but to no avail. The lulling noise of the city traffic mixed with the rumbling of the vehicle seemed to be the perfect noise to fall asleep to. Before Daniel completely dozed off, he had a single thought left. Don't trust him, his mind pestered. He knows what happened, and he's turning you in now. After the long day of signing forms nonstop and getting out of bed from about a couple weeks worth of rest, he could only muster a simple response. 


Daniel fell asleep abruptly after that.

After about fifteen to thirty minutes of driving, David slowed the car to a halt. The car was still running, but pulled over in paid parking. He stopped outside a tall apartment complex, large windows above failing to hide a majority of each apartment.
"Daniel, we're here!" David chirped. He looked over at Daniel, smirking. He noticed his unconsciousness, lightly gasping and quieting himself. He lightly shook Daniel's shoulder.
"Hey, sleepyhead, we're here," repeated David, quieter. Daniel tiredly sighed as he rearranged himself on the seat.
"Lemme sleep here, and you can wake me later, m'kay..?" Daniel muttered, not realizing where he was nor caring where, either. David pouted.
"At least get into your apartment, it's right here!" Daniel sighed and mumbled something before clumsily getting out of the car. As David walked around to Daniel's side, he noticed Max in the back seat, sleeping with his legs to his chest. He looked so peaceful, so calm in contrast to his usual rambunctious self. 
"Shit-" Daniel tripped on the curb, his exhaust of just waking up combined with the fact that he just got out of the hospital playing into it. David noticed almost immediately, catching Daniel in his arms. Daniel looked up at David awkwardly, quickly standing up straight and looking away. He brushed his shirt off, avoiding eye contact. David's face was a mix of concern and shock.
"Oh my stars, Daniel, are you okay?" He zipped back to his side, ready in case he were to fall again.
"I'm fine," Daniel snapped. David's concern didn't leave his face. Daniel looked at him with spite, but remembered his facade. He coughed and smiled a little too wide. 
"Daniel, you're not.. well, you're not well, Daniel! If you trip and fall again, maybe on the stairs, I'm not gonna be there to catch you!" Daniel sighed shallowly, tightening his grip on . Oh my god, thought Daniel. Just let me go home. David must have noticed, as he looked away, blushing from embarrassment.
"Sorry, sorry," David nervously laughed. "Just trying to make sure you're safe." He looked at Daniel, sheepishly smirking. Daniel almost rolled his eyes, but managed to convert the feeling to a cold stare elsewhere.
"Uhm. take care, Daniel." David held his hand out. Daniel looked at it blankly, then realized he wanted to shake hands. Weird way to say goodbye, but alright.
"Take care," he mimicked through a yawn. Daniel lightly shook David's hand, his hand lingering a moment. David's hand is very warm, Daniel brilliantly observed. He drowsily thought about how warm his hand was, if his own hand was cold, and other completely off topic observations before he heard David cough. Right, Daniel mentally slapped himself. You gotta let go of the person's hand. A little too quickly, Daniel pulled his hand away, his cheeks a little pink. He glanced up, seeing David stifling a snicker.
Swiveling around, he entered the apartment complex, again, a little too quickly. David climbed back into the van, watching to make sure he got inside safely. He called out a final farewell, Daniel did nothing to register it. Daniel leaned against the wall as soon as he was out of sight, sighing heavily. David sighed and shook his head after a moment, starting the car and driving off.

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