The Beginning

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Crack crack crack.
4:52 A.M., Davids clock read. David moved around under his blanket, awake but not committed to getting up. Whatever cracking noise was going on had quit, so clearly it wasn't that important. He tried to get more sleep in, but right as he was about to fall asleep again-
Crack crack crack.
"You get it, David.." Gwen half shouted from the other room.
David groaned, rubbing his eyes and unwillingly sitting up in bed. He yawned, pushing his hand through his hair to look half presentable. Yanking a blanket from his bed to pull around him, he stood up clumsily. He left his room and went into the main room. Right as he was nearing the door, the cracking started again.
Crack crack-
"Oh my goodness gracious, it's 5 AM, what could you possibly-"
He opened the door to someone he didn't expect.
"...Daniel?" David looked flabbergasted.
"Hey, David." Daniel responded simply.
"I- what are you doing here? Especially at this hour?"
"Iiiiiiiiiiiiii need to ask a favor of you.." Daniel kicked the dirt. David blinked.
"That," he paused, thinking, "you need at 5 in the morning..?" David asked.
"Y-well, sort of. Uh. Do you mind if I come in?"
David looked behind himself into the cabin, looking as though it had suddenly fabricated out of thin air.
"...yeah. Let me just- ...yeah, follow me." David turned around, adjusting the blanket around his own shoulders and leading the way. Daniel watched as David pinched himself a few times, checking if he were dreaming.
David turned on the electric kettle in the kitchen area, then stood around. Daniel looked at the other waiting for instruction, and David silently nodded to the chair. Daniel understood and took a seat as David grabbed two mugs and set them on the counter, yawning. As David sifted through a basket of various types of tea, Daniel considered what he was going to say. He also considered how much he was going to say. However, by the time David finished up all his work in the kitchen and brought over two hot mugs of tea, Daniel found himself unable to pinpoint what he was to say.
"Well? What's up?" David inquired, resting his cheek in his palm. Daniel decided to get to the point.
"I need a place to stay." He looked up at David. "And I'm not sure for how long, or- or the specifics, but this was the first place I could think of." He reached for his tea and readied to take a sip. "I can work if y-"
"Careful," David slurred, "the tea's still hot and brewing."
Daniel looked at David, then to his cup, then back to David. "Oops. Sorry." He set it down.
"As I was saying, I can work, and if you want to count living here as pay I'd- well, let's say I wouldn't protest." They looked at eachother. Daniel tried to read David's expression, but it was clouded.
"So you're telling me, you show up at 5 in the morning— not to mention out of the blue— give no reason as to why you're here—"
"—I did tell you why I was here."
"—right. But aside from that, no reason explaining why, for example, you're here at 5 AM."
Daniel checked his watch nonchalantly. He'd been up since around 2, so he'd been up for about 3 hours now. Yikes.
"What can I say, I'm an early riser."
David looked terribly suspicious. He searched Daniel's eyes for a moment, but sighed and whispered something to himself.
"Just..." David paused. "Help me set up a cot for you tonight. I'll talk to Gwen in the morning and see what we can do, okay..?"
Daniel smiled strongly.
"Thank you so much, David. You won't regret this."
David stood up with his tea, and abandoning his blanket, he headed toward Gwen's room. He turned to Daniel briefly.
"One second."
He opened Gwen's door carefully and walked in.
Muffled, Daniel could hear a conversation occurring between the two counselors about where the cot went. In the meantime, he drank his tea.
He was almost finished when he heard David leaving Gwen's room saying "we'll talk tomorrow" repeatedly. He shut the door and leaned on it, sighing. Then he opened his eyes in panic, muttered something again, and ran back in. All Daniel could hear was Gwen's voice getting progressively angrier and louder as David ran out again— this time with a cup in his hand. He closed the door, and walked toward Daniel.
"Forgot my cup," He said lifelessly.
"You are... really tired, huh?" Daniel smirked.
"How did you guess." David started towards the outside door, motioning Daniel to follow.
They proceeded to the quartermaster's store, where they found and carried the frail cot back into Davids room and set it up next to his bed. Right after that, David collapsed on his own bed, uttered a quick goodnight, and passed out. Daniel was left without words, but made what he could with his situation. He quickly changed out of his large hoodie, shoes, etc. until he was comfortable enough to sleep. He laid down and got under his blanket. He fell asleep without any trouble for once. Odd.

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