Why did you help me?

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"Ok, class your assignment is to pick one book of current teen fiction and right a 300 word essay on what you think it's says about today's youth versus the youth in say Romeo and Juliet's time." She smiled at us "Class dismissed!" I groaned internally because I love to read but hate essays and I now had to go home. I walked outside to see that it was raining. Great. I'm walking home today. As I'm walking through the parking lot I see non-other than Harry Styles getting into a car with five other guys that look to be in our year. I get a closer look, and to be honest they are all really hot. None of them have anything on those beautiful green eyes though. Once he's in the car they speed off and practically hit me. Well aren't they nice.

Once I'm home I, as slow as possible walk in soaking wet. "Mom, you home?!" I scream so that she could hear me from anywhere inside the house. No answer. I walk into my small room about the size of a normal houses bathroom and fall onto my old twin size bed. I don't really have anything to do so I just sit on my bed and think. I want to cry from what happened this morning but I refuse to let them win. So I begin to think about Harry. I'm still really confused as to why he helped me, then asked me to skip with him. Does he not realize I'm the joke of the school? He seems so nice, why do all his friends seem so ruff? I've decided that's enough worrying, so I try to sleep off whatever happened today.

I'm woken up by a very loud nocking noise and my front door. Did mom forget her keys or something? I slowly get up and try not to fall on my face because I'm only half way awake. I get to the door and it's Harry. Wait, what? He is leaning against the door frame with this gigantic drunken smile plastered on his face. "Harry?" His smile some how gets bigger. "Alexis, hey!" I just kind of stare at him for a moment. Even drunk he is still pretty hot. He is wearing a black jacket with those same black jeans. His hair is completely soaked but it looks even hotter than before. "How do you know where I live?" He tries to walk past me but I stop him. I've only just met him today and he is drunk and maybe even high. "My mate Niall, he lives down the street. Can I come in?" He tries again. "I don't know. How do I know you won't go psycho and kill me or something? I mean, we just met today." He looks me in the eyes "I would never physically hurt you Alex. I'm not like that." Hearing him say my name gives me butterflies. Too bad there is no way he likes me. "Promise?" He smiles again "Promise." I move from the door and motion him to join me in the house.

We both sit on the couch, a pretty safe distance apart. "So not to be rude, but why are you here exactly?" He was staring at me. Why is he always staring at me. To be honest I'm not really flattered just really self-conscious. I'm not wearing any make up, and I probably look like some zombie. He finally answers bringing me out of my self-loathing. "I don't really know. Louis, my mate, his parents were going to be home soon so we had to leave. I didn't really want to go home. So then I remembered us hanging out at the football field and Niall said he knew where you lived. So I guess I ended up here." He was still staring. Is that just what he does when he's drunk or something? I don't know but I feel really self-conscious now. "Ok then. Do you wanna watch a movie? I just got avengers last week." He clapped his hands and got this gigantic giddy smile on his face. "Hurry! Put it in then!" So I put it in and went to go make some pop corn. He followed me into the kitchen. "I like your house. It's a lot more homey than mine." I just nodded. He wrapped his fingers around my arm to make me face him. "Everything alright?" I gulp "yeah." We stand like that for another minute just staring into each others eyes. He is the first one to move away though. He starts walking towards the livingroom again. Once the pop corn is finished I join him. Once in there, I see him. He removed his jacket and he is wearing a white t-shirt that's wet at the top from his hair. I can see some tattoos on his arms and what look like more under his shirt. I've never found tattoos that attractive. I think I do now though. They literally just made him 1,000 times hotter. I try to blow it of like I'm not ready to jump his bones and sit on the couch next to him, a little bit closer this time. We are about half way through the movie that I haven't really been watching because I have like this greek god sitting next to me. I decided against all my good judgement and try make a very old and immature move. I place my hand in the middle of me and harry to show that he can hold it. He feels my movement and goes to look down at my hand, then looks up at me. He then continues to watch the movie. A wave of embarrassment overwhelms me and I begin to violently blush. The movie is finally over. I feel his eyes on me as I bend over to get the movie out of the DVD player. I turn on the lights and go sit on the couch with him again. I decide to ask him what's been bugging me all night. "Why did you help me today? I mean when Olivia was messing with me." He looked puzzled "What do you mean, why?" "I just mean you could have just kept walking and ignored us, but you didn't. Why? Nobody would have blamed you." A look of sadness comes over his face. "It's a long story, but let's just say I've seen what bullying can do to a person." What? "Were you bullied or something?" He looks slightly annoyed. "Just drop it. I don't want to talk about it right now." Why is he so hostile now? I shouldn't have pushed him it's my fault. It's always my fault. Why do I always have to be such a fuck up? "It's fine, I understand." I've just ruined this entire thing. He probably won't talk to me again because I'm so nosey and pushy. "Are you still drunk?" He moves closer. "Only a little." He is still moving closer. What the fuck? Is he going to- I feel his lips on my neck. God this feels great. He is leaving sloppy slightly drunken kisses all over my neck trying to find my sweet spot. I moan. Looks like he found it. I can feel that smirk I'm starting to really love on his lips and he sucks and lightly bites my sweet spot. Fuck this is going to leave a mark. He blows on the sore spot and I moan again. Fuck he is good at this. Once he is pleased he looks up into my eyes. His are filled with lust, and I'm sure mine mirror his perfectly. He finally moves his perfect mouth to my lips. At first it's slow, but then we start getting pretty heated. He bites my lip asking for entrance, but I deny. It's my turn to tease him. He's not having it though. He surprises me by grabbing my butt with his hand. I gasp and he quickly slips his tongue into my mouth. He smirks, completely proud of himself. Deciding he's not happy with our position, he flips us over so he is laying down and I'm straddling him. How far am I going to let this go? He pulls me from my thoughts by pressing his crotch against me that is apparently hard. I assume he is hinting that he wants me to create friction so I do. I lower my crotch onto his and begin to move in circles "Fuck Alexis!" He practically screams. I smirk proud of myself I want to hear him moan my name again. Continuing my actions I trace my hands up his body starting at his v line. His body is so hot. I feel his stomach muscles flexing as I reach his abs. I moan. How is he so hot? He grabs my hips and moves them so that we are moving together at the desired pace. Once I'm doing it exactly as he wants he moves his hands to pull up my shirt. I stop and grab my shirt before he could lift it.


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