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"Dropping in on the target now," a male voice in my headset whispered.

"Area is clear, disabling security systems," I replied, shifting my weight in the air vent I had set up in. I typed a couple lines of code into the small computer setup before returning my attention to the security cameras.

"I've got something on my radar, work fast Carter," the other male voice in my headset responded.

"Two Penny, what did I tell you about using real names while on a job?" I scolded. I had something on my small radar scanner as well, but nothing I thought I needed to be scared of. It's normal to get a few false positives on the readings due to all of the superhero activity in this city. You'd think Tokyo was the capital of the National Superhero League but you'd be dead wrong, they're station in the good ol' US of A. San Francisco to be specific. Tokyo just had a high super villain crime rate, resulting in higher superhero activity as a result.

"Securing the target," Carter, or Indigo as he should be called, said quietly.

"I've got someone on my scanner, you think we got heroes?" Two Penny, Andrew, responded in a slightly frantic way.

"There's no way we basically just walked in here. No alarms, no nothing," I chuckled as I switched to the security feed. Camera's started to black out one by one as whatever was coming got closer.

"But what if you tripped a silent alarm?"

"Impossible. My one defining trait is that I know passwords. That is literally my only power. No alarms were tripped."

"Target is secured, let's get the hell out of here," Indigo said into my headset as I started packing up equipment in the vent.

"Whoever is coming, it's no hero. They're disrupting security. Assume hostiles but do not engage, we have no idea who we're dealing with," I responded, zipping up my backpack and starting to crawl through the vent.

It was relatively silent on comms while the three of us made our way to our exit points. What a super villain wants with this museum is beyond me, but I guess they have some interesting stuff locked away. Old military codes that won't work anymore, maps to nukes that probably have been moved, a bunch of dead things. We grabbed an old looking capsule thing, Andrew and I figured that it was just some kind of container with something valuable inside. Either way, it was the hardest thing to retrieve in the entire museum so it has to be worth something. We'll find a buyer one way or another. Two Penny handles most of the stolen goods deals. When we steal valuable artifacts like these, he finds a buyer within minutes. Usually it's just the museum desperate to get the item back, but on a few rare occasions we've sold to the NSL and even a few super villains.

"Shadow Broker, there is a locked door barring my exit," Two Penny whispered into his comm.

"Try password bananacreampie, one word all lower case," I replied, "if that doesn't work, use maintenance override 1620."

"I have eyes on our intruder, I can confirm that it is Black Ice," Indigo said quietly.

"What the hell is he doing here? I thought he stayed out of Tokyo," Two Penny replied.

"He must be after something specific to risk attracting heroes in this city of all places."

"Get off comms boys. Indigo stay where you are I'm almost there."

I kicked out the bottom of the vent shaft and dropped down onto the floor below. Indigo was standing in the middle of what looked like a library.

"Catching up on your research report?" I chuckled.

"They might have something on what we stole. I figured we should at least know a little about it if we're gonna sell it," He replied, throwing several books into his bag.

"Don't be long, making that noise definitely let Black Ice know he's not alone and I'm pretty sure he's tripped a silent alarm at this point."

"Two Penny, heroes are on their way. Where are you?" Indigo radioed.

"Already in the car, get your asses out of there quick!" He yelled back.

Carter grabbed two last books and sprinted out with me. I pulled my pistol from its holster on my leg, firing rounds at the corners of the window in front of us. Carter and I used our backpacks to protect our faces as we broke through, running down an alley where our getaway car was hiding. Andrew hit the gas as soon as the two of us were in the car, we didn't even get time to close the doors let alone buckle down.

"Jesus don't you care about our safety?" I laughed, handing Carter one of my spare pistols just in case someone decides to try and stop us. He threw his bag up in the passenger seat next to Andrew and loaded up.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel like having someone's super dick shoved up my ass as I'm trying to make a clean getaway," Andrew snapped back.

"And this is why I usually drive," Carter teased.

"Another successful heist. Great job boys."

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