Down The Sewers

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Juliet played Ben's tape recorder for everyone to hear. The one minute clip was more than enough to prove the chief's dirty deeds. To Ada, it wasn't enough information to help her investigation. When Leon asked for more details, Ada ignored him. They had reached the end of the road and had to take a detour through the gun shop. Leon suggested to stock up on ammo. Juliet headed to the back of the shop when she was suddenly pulled a gun on. Leon quickly came next to her with his gun raised.

"Drop it!" the older man yelled. "Turn around and get the hell out of here or I'll put a bullet in her."

Leon lowered his gun, explaining that he was with the force. Ada simply sauntered up to them and continued asking about the apocalypse. The man aimed his shotgun at Ada and demanded them to leave. The backdoor suddenly opened, revealing a small girl who was probably around seven. She was clearly infected. In a small voice, she called out 'Daddy'. Juliet covered her mouth, looking away. Ada wanted to shoot the girl, but the man stood right in front of Ada with a determined glare. In the end, he simply begged them to leave him and his daughter alone. 

As soon as they left through the backdoor, Leon yelled at Ada, "What were you thinking? Those two deserved more than that. Hell, everyone else deserves more than whatever is happening right now. That's why I joined the force. To protect people like them!"

Juliet flinched at Leon's tone while Ada kept her head down. He walked right towards Ada and demanded answers. Seeing that Leon would not back down, Ada let out a long sigh before finally giving in. While walking down to the sewers, she explained that Umbrella, the huge pharmaceutical company that was situated in Raccoon City, was responsible for creating a virus that caused people to turn into monsters. The medicine was just a front. In truth, they were experimenting with creating bioweapons. In her mission brief, she was tasked with getting a sample from a woman named Annette Birkin.

"And this woman is in the sewers?" Juliet asked as they entered the tunnels. The strong stench was making her stomach churn.

"Possibly. The sewers are connected to Umbrella's lab."

"What? How could they construct something so huge without anyone knowing?" Leon asked next.

"Welcome to the real world, honey," Ada replied with a chuckle.

Just then, there were tremors which Leon thought was an earthquake. They entered further in, where they saw something huge move past. It was too fast to see what it was. Leon warned them to stay alert. Ada took the lead, soon stopping at the entrance to the waterway. There was a long metal platform heading into the darkness. Below it, the murky water was less than inviting. Ada gestured to the water underneath them. Leon dropped down into the water and immediately regretted it.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Leon asked, trying to keep his hands out of the water.

"Unfortunately," Ada answered.

"Alright... you ladies stay up there. I'm gonna find us a way out," Leon said.

The moment Leon took a step forward, the wall behind Leon crashed. The huge alligator which came out from seemingly nowhere had set its sights on Leon. Juliet called out to Leon who started running. Without wasting another moment, Juliet ran across the creaking metal platforms with Ada following close behind. She could only see the back of the alligator as it snapped its jaws wildly. Juliet had never run so much in her life at breakneck speed with her back injury. She almost slipped climbing the ladders down, which caused her to lose sight of the alligator. Then, a huge explosion rocked the entire place. Juliet called out for Leon again, but her voice was drowned out by the blast.

"Chew on that, you overgrown son of a bitch."

Leon finally came into view when they reached the end of the metal platform. Ada called out to him and lowered down the ladder. He gladly climbed up, immediately getting hugged by Juliet. Leon panted but insisted that he was fine. When Juliet let go of him, she looked down at Chris' jacket which was wet and disgusting. Leon chuckled and apologised. Juliet laughed along.

"Glad you made it," Ada said, interrupting. "Now we need to hurry and find Annette. She's far more dangerous."

Juliet was going to call her out on her bullshit when Leon got to it first. "You didn't tell us that this virus turned ugly reptiles into monsters too!"

Ada simply brushed him off, saying that now they knew. She opened a rusty door which led them into an elevator going further down into the sewers. Upon reaching, a woman in a white lab coat was busy jotting down on her notepad and hadn't noticed their presence yet. Ada immediately took out her gun.

"Annette," Ada spoke cooly, making the other woman turn her head. "I need that sample."

Without saying a word, Annette took out her own gun and fired. Ada didn't have time to dodge. Leon, however, had jumped in front of her and saved her from being shot. Juliet watched in horror as Leon slumped onto the wall with his shoulder bleeding out. Ada looked conflicted for just a second before she hurriedly chased after Annette. Juliet lifted his chin up, but he was lifeless.

"Oh, God. Leon, please! Leon!" Juliet cried.

She had to stop the bleeding. Her shaky hands removed his bulletproof vest. She unbuttoned the top of his shirt and saw the hole in his shoulder. She hurriedly took out some bandages she grabbed from the station earlier. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to focus. Luckily, the bullet had passed through clean. She quickly put pressure on the wound and cleaned it the best as she could before wrapping it up. She dressed him back before taking a seat beside. She peered at his sleeping face. She took his hand quietly as she waited for him to wake up. 

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