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Several bullets to the eyes and multiple explosions later, the two managed to run back to the monitor room in one piece. Leon solved the chess pieces puzzle which opened the door to the garbage room. However, the garbage chute was locked because there was a shortage of power. Taking a detour, the two made their way inside the main power room. He readjusted the meter on the panel and shortly after, power returned. A large claw penetrated through the ceiling, hitting the gas cylinders and igniting a fire. The shutters immediately closed, trapping the two inside the small room. The hand broke another hole in the ceiling, clawing at Leon who dived just in time. The next time it came down again, Juliet fired her shotgun. The creature screeched, immediately retracting its hand. The flames were quickly spreading and Juliet found it getting a little hard to breathe. Leon was about to open the shutters by force when the metal frame was dented from the other side. Lunging for Juliet, the two barely got out of the creature's way as it smashed through the shutters. They took off, not sparing a moment to turn back. Just as if luck was running out, they reached a dead end. 

The creature was huge and unbelievably fast. Leon and Juliet tried to shoot at the same time, but they were dodging more than they were attacking. It didn't look as if the monster was taking any sort of damage either. Juliet had a flash grenade in hand, ready to throw to create some space. Before she could do that, however, the creature had slashed her upper thigh, causing her to lose footing. The flash grenade dropped into the abyss below. Leon hurriedly got to her and pulled her away before they were squashed. 

"This isn't working!" Leon yelled, switching to his lightning hawk. "He won't get down!"

Juliet's eyes darted around the area desperately, trying to find some sort of leverage. She spotted a crane at the end of the enclosed area, with a container box attached to its hook. She made a break to the control panel which operated the crane. She signalled Leon to distract the monster while she pressed the button. The crane began moving slowly. Leon led the monster to the centre of the platform and shot repeatedly at its head. When the crane started to pick up speed, Juliet called out to him. Leon ran to Juliet's side just in time before the container box hit the monster with a huge force. It managed to hang onto the box and was climbing up.

"No chance in hell," Juliet spat, throwing a grenade at it.

The bomb exploded, forcing the monster to release its grip. It trashed around, hitting a beam before losing its grasp. Juliet watched as it fell to make sure it won't come back up. After tearing her eyes away from the darkness below, she turned back to Leon who gave her a winning smile. She was going to meet Leon half-way, but the injury on her upper thigh made her stop in her tracks. She sat down on the metal platform as she winced in pain. Leon rushed towards her and inspected the claw mark. 

"Still got the bandages?" he asked.

She nodded, handing him a roll from inside the jacket. He carefully wrapped it around her thigh, but it made her feel uncomfortable. He hadn't noticed the change in expression until she deliberately pushed herself up to get away from him. Leon was shocked. He hurriedly tried to help her stand up properly, but she shoved him back.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled, almost like she was in fear. 

She stepped away from Leon, hugging the leather jacket closer to her body. She avoided eye contact with Leon as she sobbed quietly. Leon felt useless for the first time, not knowing what to do. Maintaining a distance, he asked if she was okay, but she ignored him. She simply limped across the fallen beam to get to the other side. Leon caught up with her as she entered a lift. There were two buttons on the panel: one was labelled 'Upper' and the other was 'Office'. Curiosity took over Leon which led him to press the latter. The elevator went all the way up, eventually opening up to a walkway. They realised they were out of the sewers and back at the RPD. Juliet trudged on ahead, ignoring the heavy rain and Leon. They entered a series of long hallways before finally winding up in an office filled with taxidermy.

Leon gasped at the mounted deer heads. Juliet frowned as she inspected the desk which belonged to none other the notorious Chief Brian Irons. It sickened her to see all the achievements he proudly put up on his walls. She tore down the frames on the wall then swatted everything off the desk. Leon tried to stop her, but she took out her knife and pointed it right at Leon. He immediately put his hands up to show that he wasn't going to harm her. Her hands were shaking, barely gripping the knife. It was evident that she was breaking down and couldn't keep it all bottled up inside her anymore. He approached her slowly, taking away the knife after much persuasion. She sat on the table, letting all her tears flow out. Leon quietly pulled the chair and sat right in front of her.

After a while, Juliet finally stopped crying. She looked at Leon with her puffy red eyes and asked, "You said you became a police officer to protect people, right?"

"That's right. I want to help others," he replied. He clasped his hands around hers. "And I would do anything to protect you. I would help you in any way I can. I promised that, and I don't intend to break it."

She took in a deep breath. "Then I'll tell you why I became a journalist."

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