Chapter 7

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Ring ! Ring !

"Tay ! Why do you call me so early ? I sleep late yesterday , you know ! "

" Today Sunday New ! "

" I know ! I know that's why I sleep ! What's your problem? "

I still can't open my eyes ..

" Oiii Why so angry ! come and pick me up ! Today Pun will come to your house for study! Do you forget ? "

Yes ! I forget about it !

Actually I asked them to study at my house because I just don't like Tay to contact with other people behind my back ..

" Ah I completely forgot ! Take Grab and come here ! I can't come & pick you up ! What time do you ask her to come ?

" 11 am ! "

" Shit Tay ! Now just 7:30 am you know ??? " I shouted to him and getting up from the bed ..

" Hmm I know ! cos I still have to manage some time for you to pick me up "

See How genius he is ..

" Pick Up , My Ass ! Wait awhile ! I will come . Prepare for me a breakfast "

" Haha Love you "

" Love you my ass ! "

" You are smiling now right ? right ? "

I ended the call..

That bastard always said those words whenever he got something that he wants ..


" Tay ! don't jump on my sofa like that" I shouted at him as always jumping on my sofa whenever he coming into my living room ..

" I will buy for you new one if broken "

" Just listen when I said ! Don't argue back "

I kicked him and walked back to the kitchen to eat breakfast which Tay's mom prepared for me .

But someone stopped me from behind ..

Yes it's no other than Tay !

He hugged me from back while his chin put on my shoulder ..

I feel a sudden discharge of electricity through the whole part of my body.

" What happened ? " I asked him and try to turn my body to face him ..

He hugged me more tight and whisper to my ear

" Just stay like this awhile Hin "

I don't know what is happening but I just worry about him ..

" Tell me ! I am worry ! What happened ? " he release his hand from my waist .

I turned my body and asked again

" What actually happened Tay Tawan ? "

he shook his head and said

" Nothing ! Let's go and eat ! I do for you , just sit there and wait "

I know something is not right but why Tay doesn't  tell me ?
There is no secret between us but why does Tay keep secret from me now ?
I don't want to stress him too ! So I just keep quiet and pretend as I don't give a f**k .


"Ting " The bell sounded and Tay opened the door

" Morning P'Tay ! P' New ! "

" Tay ! you can teach her in this living room table ! don't go in the studying room"

I told him while lying down on sofa and playing my phone.

" Ok Ok ! "

I sitting beside Tay and playing game while he is busying teaching her.

It's already 2 pm and I am super hungry but Tay still not finish teaching.

Ring ! Ring !

Shit !! It's from May and I forgot I have a date with her today !

Because of this stupid Tay ..

All my mind just don't want to leave Tay alone with that girl and sticking around him while doing random things to kill times .. I completely forgot her ..

I didn't pick up her call and even pick up also don't know how to say !

Tay looked at me and said

" Pick up the phone ! "

" Come with me awhile " I grabbed Tay's arm but

" Wait ! Wait ! I open the door for her first. So , Pun if anything you don't know , can call me anytime "

he send her off to the entrance door ..

" Whose call is that ? Why don't you pick up ? " he walking toward me and asking

" From May ! I totally forget about our date today !! I don't know how to say ! give some advise before I pick up "

" Shit How can it be ?? " Tay sitting beside me and looking at my phone ...

" Ting " The bell sounded

" I will go and open ! I think it's Pun again"

Tay totally stunned after opening the door ..

It's May !

" What is that ? Why you not picking up my call ?  " she stepping in and asking me

" Phone.. the phone is not with me " WTF is that ! the phone is right in front of me and how did I end up saying this ..

May walking towards me and picked the phone on the table..

" What is that ? "

" That's Tay's phone ! We have same phone model and May already know it right ? "

The moment I finished speaking , my phone ringing ..

She is the one who pressed her phone to call my number .

" Did you two have same phone number as well ? "

I am so done !

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