Harmony you are something different. You are different then anything girl I've ever met. I don't know if it's good or bad, god, I don't care I just need you. I sad with so much pain in my voice.
Jack, I'm not good for you. I will hurt you. Just lea...
"Harmony Grace wake up sleepy ass!" the wide awake and excited Hayley yelled while she was jumping on my bed.
"Leave me the fuck alone," I say in my raspy morning voice.
"Come on it's 10 and it starts at 12."
"Shit. I didn't think it was that late," I say worried while rushing to get out of the creaky hotel bed. I quickly pick out the outfit that I'm wearing for the auditions:
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And I run into the bathroom and quickly curl my hair. I then run my fingers through my soft, butt length hair to loosen up the tight, bunched up curls. I then spray in some hairspray and start on my makeup.
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When I finish, I get my shoes on, and Hayley and I order an Uber and leave for the auditions.
"Ok, I'm really fucking nervous now," Hayley says with a little shake in her voice.
"You'll do amazing Hail. Just don't forget the song and you'll be amazing." I say trying to comfort her.
"Come on Har, you know they are going to pick you. You have an amazing voice and you like never mess up."
"That's not true at all. You have an amazing voice too and I mess up all the time, I just don't show it on my face when I do. Plus I'm not that good. There is definitely going to be people there that are better than me,"
"Don't doubt yourself Har, you are amazing and your voice is different from anyone else I've ever listened to,"
"Don't doubt yourself either and not really. And think on the bright side, even if we don't win, we still will have gotten to meet Why Don't We."
"Very true," she says while laughing a little.
We arrive at the building that the email said we needed to be at by 12. I look at my phone and the time says 11:52. Perfect time. Hayley and I walk inside the tall, silver, and very intimidating building. When we walk in we were greeted by a very nice, older looking man who asked us to show an ID to verify if we were who we said we were. We were handed a slip that said the approximate time we were going to audition. Hayley's said 2:14 and Mine said 2:18, so I assumed we were one of the last ones to check in. After we checked in, we walked into a room that was filled with about 40 to 50 teen girls. After about 5 minutes of sitting there, A a tall man with fair skin walked in and said that the people that aren't going to audition till 12:30 or later can leave and go get lunch or whatever they want, but they just have to be back in time for their audition. When he was talking I noticed it wasn't just some tall man, it was Tyler fucking Seavey and when I figured that out I almost screamed.
"So, do you wanna run and grab food quick? We still have like 2 hours until our turn," she asked me after Tyler walked back into the room with the first girl.
"Sure. Wanna grab some Chipotle?"
"You always want Chipotle, but yeah that sounds good."
"Cool, I'll order an Uber."
We get back to the building that the auditions are at and I look at my phone to check the time, and it says 2:02.
"We made it back before our auditions," Hayley said very relieved.
"I told you we would."
"I know you did but-"
"But nothing. Haha, let's just go sit down."
We sit down and wait for our names to get called by Tyler. After about 4 or 5 girls get called and go back, Hayley's name gets called.
"Hayley Thomas?" Tyler calls.
"You got this boo."
"Just tell me I'm going to do good."
"You are going to do amazing I promise."
"Ok, I'll see you in a couple of minutes."
"Hayley Thomas?" Tyley calls out again.
"I'm right here," Hayler replies.
After about 4 minutes of waiting for her to come back out, I see Hayley walk out of the room witha huge smile on her face.
"How did it go?"
"It went great! And Danny even called me cute," she says with a huge grin on her face and blushing a little.