Four | Hooked

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I sit down in my AP Chem class and I hear these girls talking about something.

"Who do you think the boys are going to choose as the winner?" A blonde, blue eyed girl said.

"I don't know. They said they were going to go live in like 10 minutes, do I guess we will find out then." A black haired, shorter girl sitting next to her said.

I turn around and look at Hayley. I say to her, "I think the boys are going live in a little bit so keep an eye on your phone."

She nodded and kept playing attention to our lecture about Boron.

About 15 minutes later, we were working on our project and I heard like 5 people's phones go off. I check mine and it said the boys were going live. I plug in my ear buds and I hand one to Hayley and i put the other one in my ear. I quickly look around and I see almost everyone looking at there phone, watching this live.

"Hey, Limelights! You guys are probably wanting why we are live." Daniel says.

"Well, we have made our decision." Jonah says.

"This person we have chosen really blew us away at her audition." Corbyn says.

"We are really hooked on this person's music and her voice." Zach says.

"I'm very excited and proud to say that this person is..." Jack leads on.

"Harmony Peirce!" They all yell in unison.

I just sit there in shock. I turn my head to Hayley and smile. I realize the room just got quiet all of the sudden. I turn my head and see that every person in the room is looking at me. My face turns bright red and I look at my phone again. I hear the boys say that I have 24 hours to DM them on Instagram before they pick someone else. I quickly get out of the live and DM them saying "Hi, I'm Harmony. Is there any info I need to know?"

After class, those same 2 girls walked up to me and said, "How in hell did you win that contest?"

"I honestly don't know, but you don't have to be such a bitch about it."

"I should have gotten it not you."

"Congrats but I really don't care." I say giving a sarcastic grin while walking away.



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Liked by @whydontwemusic, @hayleythomas, and 1,482 others.

Harpierce: Guess who won @whydontwemusic's singing contest ✌😋😘


Hayleythomas My best friend's killing it🔥

Username how are you so pretty?

Hater go die in a hole

Harpierce oh don't worry I planned on it (; hater

Whydontwemusic the song's going to be fire🔥 

Corbynbesson we stan a queen

Seaveydaniel pretty woman (:

Username Corbynbesson yes we do

Jackaverymusic oof


Harpierce thanks bro Seaveydaniel

Jonahmarais I think Seaveydaniel  just got bro zoned 😂😂

imzachherron I think so too Jonahmarais


Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that there were going to be different social medias in here too so (:

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