Appendix - PulchraGean dictionary

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-Stress placed differently on a syllable can change the meaning of a word, usually tense or gender, i.e. lash, lashura, lashani.

-Nouns usually have three syllables and generally follow this rule: using the word "Lashura" as an example; If stress is on first syllable, 'lash,' denotes femininity equivalent to 'she.' If stress is on second syllable, 'ur,' denotes masculinity equivalent to 'he.' If stress is on third syllable, 'a,' denotes gender neutrality equivalent to singular 'they.'

-Monosyllabic nouns are usually gender neutral and often denote societal groupings, like nations, tribes, or castes.

-Some PulchraGean words have syllables that are themselves almost multisyllabic when said with an english accent, but are monosyllabic when pronounced correctly in PulchraGean, as english syllabic rules don't necessarily apply to PulchraGean words. For instance, 'agoaki' would, in english, appear to be a four syllable word (ah-goh-ah-kee). However, it is only a three syllable word (ah-goah-ki). For simplification, we have included a more modernized english-compatible pronunciation for the reader's convenience. However, please be aware that this is not the correct heritage pronunciation.

-Trisyllabic verbs generally follow this rule: using the word "Donahrit" as an example; if stress is on the first syllable, 'do,' denotes past tense. If stress is on second syllable, "na," denotes present tense. If stress is on third syllable, 'hri,' denotes future tense. 

-Nouns that end in -i (i.e. donahri and alakhi) generally take the verb suffix of -it

-Nouns and adjectives with no suffix ending (i.e. viso and ando) generally take the verb suffix of -rhet

-Adjectives with a suffix-syllable (i.e. sivarren) generally drop that syllable and take the verb suffix of -shet.

-There are multiple exceptions to these rules, as the original dialect of Sirren-thal was a mixture of each kono's unique language. As they moved from kono to konara and finally to united sha, the languages were homogenized in a linguistic melting pot, taking new words from the original languages. Current Narakh-thal is largely based on English brought by the Kings of various eras and is visually similar in many cases

Agono (ah-goh-noh) - n; water

Agoaki (simp: ah-gwah-kee, her: ah-goah-kee) - n; wave

Agoiko (simp: ah-gwee-koh, her: ah-goeeh-koh) - n; tide

Akitat (ah-kee-taht) - v; to swim.

Aktaki (ahk-tah-kee) - n; cloud

Aktani (ahk-tah-nee) - n; wind

Alakhit (ah-lah-keet) - v; to taste or lick

Andohrit (ahn-doh-reet) - v; to hear

Botah (bow-tah) - n; object or thing

Botahret (bow-tah-reht) - v; to touch or feel in a physical manner

Dom (DOHM) - n; house, tent, shop, or other building/structure.

Donahri (do-nah-hri) - n; struggle, fight, war, conflict. Also anger.

Donahrit (doh-nah-reet) - v; to struggle or fight?

Dum (DYOOHM) - n; town or city, generally used as a suffix in front of a name and denoted with a dash, as in 'Narakh-dum,' more commonly called Argentum

Kai (kah-ee) - n; clan or family, usually denoted by dropping the 'k,' and adding an apostrophe followed by 'ai,' as in Lyric'ai, or Lyrican clan

Kintalekh (keen-tah-leck) - v; to go.

Kono (ko-no) - n; tribe.

Koro (ko-ro) - adj; the color black. Can describe any sufficiently dark color, but generally denotes a lack of light or brightness.

Korhet (ko-reht) - v; to darken a space, as with paint or another substance.

Konara (ko-na-ra) - n; an expanded tribe, similar to a nation.

Lash (LAHSH) - n; PulchraGean race, generally representing adults. Has no gender associations, equivalent to 'mankind' or 'human race.'

Lashani (lahsh-ah-nee) - n; child.

Lashura (lahsh-oor-ah) - n; adult. 

Lavetakh (lah-veh-tahk) - v; to jump

Maityl (mah-eeh-teehl) - n; storm, strong wind, natural disaster. - adj; destructive on a major scale.

Nagarhet (nah-gah-reht) - v; to fall

Namehshet (nah-meh-sheht) - v; to walk or move

Nanayit (nah-nah-yeet) - v; to sleep.

Narakh-thal (nar-ahk-thahl) - n; one of the languages of PulchraGea, originating with the Narakh-kono, or Silver Tribe.

Neume (NAY-oo-may) - n; healer. Looks like "new me."

Niro (NEE-roh) - n; sword (ancient Sirren-thal?)

Nirunt (nee-ROONT) - n; short sword or dagger

Pirono (pih-roh-noh) -n; fire

Ruba (ROO-bah) - adj; sharp, having the ability to cut, generally denoting masculinity.

Sem (SAM) - n; soldier or warrior, generally denoting masculinity.

Sha (SHAH) - n; country or region, generally used as a suffix in front of an area's name and denoted with a dash, as in 'Narakh-sha.'

Silahrit (seel-ah-reet) - v; to feel in a spiritual manner

Sirolha (see-rohl-hya) -n; a person who has undergone a significant personality change, usually due to emotional trauma. Context is typically negative.

Sirolhi (see-rohl-hyee) -n; anything that changes its shape or form. Usually refers to a self-sustaining and shape-shifting race of Atlantean automatons.

Sirolhit (see-hrol-hyeet) - v; to change, usually the physical form of. Can also refer to a major emotional change that transfoms one's personality. Such people are referred to as Sirolha.

Sirren (seer-REHN) - adj; hard, tough, durable.

Sirrenth (seer-REHNTH) - n; stone, earth, rock, generally denoting femininity.

Sirren-thal (see-rehn-thahl) - n; one of the languages of PulchraGea.

Sirtan (seer-TAHN) - n; cave. Literally, rock-house or earth-house.

Sivarren (SEE-vah-ren) - adj; swift, having great speed.

Sivashet (see-vah-shet) - v; to move swiftly

Subarhet (sooh-bah-reht) - v; to climb

Sumehrit (soo-meh-reet) - v; to smell

Tan (TAHN) - n; a house or building, generally noted as being larger and sturdier than a primitive hut. Possible translation could be castle or keep.

Thal (THAHL) - n; language, lit. tongue, can be used as a suffix behind a particular dialect, such as sirren-thal or narakh-thal.

Thaliel (thahl-ee-EHL) - n; original inhabitants of PulchraGea, lit. "spoken by God."

Varen (vah-rehn) - adj; the color green.

Varhet (vah-reht) - v; to make a space more green, either with paint or another substance, or by increasing the number of plants in an area.

Vendum (VAN-dyoom) - ?; meaning unknown, possibly relating to a city. Rare Thaliel'ai surname.

Visorhet (vee-soh-reht) - v; to see.

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