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kokichi pov 

I had been working at this maid place for about a month now. kirumi had been letting me stay with her as long as I would work here. it seemed to all be fine until kirumi was going to trial for murdering someone and it was my fault. 

~flash back~

me and kirumi where practicing at the play ground watching kids , for if the person , I was working for , had children . 

we were basically being babysitters . it was fine until they came up to me , yelling at me for being a bad influence on children . it wasn't my fault . our boss told me to wear a maid dress . I stood up for myself . which got myself into a fight with the person pushed me to the ground , I hit my head on the bench , me and kirumi were sitting on , and ended up with a tiny crack in my skull but it wasn't anything harmful . but kirumi , being how she was , was at the person's throat . as much as I wanted to yell at him , I didn't want kirumi to lose her job . but before I could stop kirumi , the person had already yelled some terrible words and kirumi had thrown a punch at the person. as for the result kirumi was sued . later that day she had left and didn't say where she was going. as the hours went by , I started to get worried. she hadn't answered her phone . I was scared she got attacked or was kidnapped , but she came back at midnight . my happiness didn't last long though . she had told me the situation she put herself in and that she murdered the person. I thought she had lost her mind but she did it to get herself out of the trial . but now it was much worse. 

she was caught while killing the person. so that was why it was worse. there would be nothing I can say to help her during the trial.

 there would be nothing I can do to help her period.

kirumi was fired and I was called in to be sent to someone for my service. I wouldn't get to see kirumi ever again. I wish it could've been at a better time though.

 I walked to the apartment ,which wasn't far , and walked some more to his apartment . once I got there I knocked on his door and a few seconds later , a taller male opened the door and let me in. 

I will make you proud kirumi...


shuichi pov

I watch him as he walks into the other room. kaito looks at me ."dude was that a guy in a maid dress?" he asks "y-yeah but I think I like him" I say to kaito quietly "wh-wha!?" he yells and I shush him "not so loud!" I whisper yell at him. 

after talking with kaito some more , he leaves and i'm alone with the maid. i walk into the room he's in . "hey um...kokichi was it?" I ask him he looks at me and nods "do you need my service?" he asks me. "um n-no you can take a break . I just wanted to ask if you had a place to stay?" I look down at him . he frowns and looks away "not for much longer..." he mumbles under his breath . I pause and then open my mouth to speak again "y-you can stay here if you want" his eyes widen as he looks back at me in shock "wh-what?" he asks "you can stay here. for as long as you want" I repeat myself. he looks back down then at me "th-thank you" he sadly smiles "o-of course!" I smile 

my maid... (Discontinued!!) shuichi x maid! kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now