So I've got BEN in my dreams well by a little way
LiKe ThIs
-A glass of cold water (not iced)
-A 3DS or 2DS
-The game Majora's Mask 3D
-Before bedSteps:
1. Drink a glass of cold water
2. Make sure you have the remains in order swamp, mountain, ocean, cannon
3. Go to the canyon but with water it has to be deep enough for you to pull out the ocarina
4. Summon the Elegy statue and play with him
5. Play song of healing 5-10 times then you can put it on sleep mode and then go to bed
In conditions you wake up hot: You lost his 'game' and let him win
Wake up cold: It means you were out of struggle with someone/winning condition I think
Well I woke up cold and my room was freezing