Chapter 8: The Make-shift Family

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  • Dedicated to The Cookie Monster!

A/N: This chapter is a bit bloodier. So, yeah. Just a heads up. It's not horrible. I think...

Also, when you read the chapter title, think the Addams Family.

*Clarity's POV*

"What the frak are we running from stereotypical thugs for?" I yelled at Sherlock.

"Long story. Shut up, and RUN!" He yells back.

"What do you think I'm doing? Baka!" I speed up, then turn right, Leo follows me. John and Sherlock keep running straight. 

"Clarity!" Leo yells at me, "They went the other way!"

"I know! Remember earlier?" He doesn't respond, so I assume he got the point. I turn left, then right, then left again. I stop at the end of the alley way to keep myself hidden. I hear feet pounding on the pavement, my heart beats fast, louder. Sherlock and John pass me. I jump out after they pass, and hit one of the guys in the stomach with my knee. Leo punched the other in the jaw, and knocked him unconscious. My guy, let's call him Mr. Guy, crouched in front of me, hugging his stomach. I punch him in the chest, and he falls back. I place my knee on his chest.

"The hell are you chasing us for?" I glare at Mr. Guy. He chuckles at bit, resulting in him spitting up a bit of blood. Gross! 

"We weren't chasing you. We were chasing Mr. Holmes." I narrow my eyes at Mr. Guy.

"You didn't answer my question." I punch him in the jaw and knock him unconscious. 

"Clarity..." Leo says from behind me. 


"Wasn't there three guys chasing us?" My eyes widen and I look around me. 

"Oh dear god." I run in the direction of Sherlock and John.


*John's POV*

I ran. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. Sherlock ran a few meters ahead of me. I speed up a bit. I really shouldn't have done that. One of the guys that we chasing us tackles me from the side. The collision sends me flying into the alley wall. My head collides with the brick and my vision goes blurry. The guy points a gun at my head. 

"Come on, Mr. Holmes. You don't want your little friend to die, now do you?" Sherlock glares at the man. "Just give it back." He sighs and reaches into his pocket for the item. Just them, Clarity appeared behind the man and kicked his legs out from under him and grabbed his gun. Leo punched him in the chest and stomped on his leg. Crack. Immobilized. 

"Righto," Clarity huffed. "Da frak, guys?"

"We stole something. They were chasing us. Case." Sherlock gasped. "Where are the other guys?"

"Lying unconscious on the pavement a block away. They aren't going anywhere." Leo answered. Clarity glances in my direction.

"Omigosh! John! Are you okay?" She kneels beside me. 


*Le time skip*

*Clarity's POV*

I handed John some ice. "You sure your gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He takes the bag. I nod and sit on the couch next to Leo. 

"So, you're the guy who carried Clarity home?" Sherlock asked him. Leo nodded. I stand up again.

"Alright, introductions. Guys, this is Leo Prince." I ruffled his hair. "Leo, this is John. He's my cousin. Probably. And over here," I walk over to Sherlock and poke him. "Is Sherlock. He's... uh... My appointed big brother?" 

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