✩.·*:。i need you here .•*:。✩

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God, Dallon's kids were getting on the top of his nerves. They were good most of the time, but he and Breezy decided it would be a great idea to go to their old hometown for a week this summer, and they were extremely excited. They loved their dad, and going back to where he grew up was just the most amazing thing. Dallon didn't know what had gotten into them, whether it was that they were out of the house, or they just really, really loved Houston, Texas.

Before Dallon moved to Utah, he indeed lived in Houston. In his opinion, it wasn't the best place to grow up. It could have been better, but he wouldn't go into the details. They were currently driving to his parents' house, where they would be staying for the next week. Dallon was not looking forward to this whatsoever, mainly because his parents loved embarrassing him in front of his wife and children.

This week was going to be a whole mess.


They arrived, and the grandparents were more than happy to press wet, sloppy kisses to everyone's cheeks. Just what Dallon needed after a absolutely nerve-wracking car ride. He was more than happy when he ran up to his old bedroom to see that it had not changed whatsoever since he left it last, which was when he was twenty-eight. It's been ten whole years.

Dust had piled up on the old shelves, and Dallon didn't even want to risk dusting them off just to sneeze at least seven times. Old pictures still decorated the room, along with a few posters of a couple of bands and comics he used to love. Many of the pictures contained pictures of old friends, and as much as Dallon wanted to look at them, he was absolutely exhausted.

Luckily, the bedsheets were washed and placed neatly upon the bed, so he jumped onto the bed and stared up at the light blue painted ceiling, which still had plastic, glow-in-the-dark stars attached to it from when he was even younger. His parents really did like hanging onto the old days.

Breezy walked into the room, looking around at all the pictures in the room, mainly the ones on the dusty shelves. "Gosh, you really were a nerd."

"You didn't believe me? I feel offended, Breeze." Dallon kept his eyes closed as he wiggled around on the small bed, getting comfortable enough and eventually settling down.

"No, I believed you! I just-- didn't think it was this extensive." Breezy kept searching around the room and examining the pictures. She recognized a few people in the photos, them being a bunch of Dallon's current friends and a couple of old ones. Either way, she had heard about them at some point.

Her eyes landed on an unfamiliar face, one with short purple hair, who was turned to a young looking Dallon. She hadn't heard of this fellow... Who was he?

"Who is this, honey?"

Dallon looked over at the picture, and a feeling of sorrow flew over him. All the emotion from back when he was twenty-six flew back into him, the feeling of happiness and sadness and fuck, everything hit him.

"That's Awsten. An old friend."

Breezy knew what he meant. They had dated, or liked each other. It was obvious, the boy was kissing him in the picture. "How come you've never told me about him?"

Dallon felt tears well in his eyes, but not enough for them to flood his eyes and pour out. He simply stayed quiet for a few minutes.

"He's gone."

The look on Breezy's face was close to a look she'd give if she had seen a ghost. "Oh, Dallon..."

"Don't say you're sorry, I've heard that too much."

He turned over and let the tears fall, slowly, and Breezy stayed still for a few seconds before leaving the room. She knew Dallon needed his space. She had just brought back a long lost memory, a bad one at that.

Dallon sat for a good couple of hours, as Breezy had taken the kids and the grandparents out for a good outing across town.

God, he hated Awsten Knight for all the pain he had put him through.

But all he wanted was for him to come back.

He hummed a familiar tune to a song he had wrote around the time he had died, as it lulled him into a deep slumber.

"Bring him back to me."

aeroplanes (bring him back to me)Where stories live. Discover now